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Down some lbs....personal win!
Hey all! I don't post much but Ive been on my overall health journey for a bit now. Ive learned and implemented into my daily life so much now...from here and a couple of other groups Im involved in between here and Facebook. Ive managed to implement a few key things to my daily routine and stay fairly consistant through it all. But the biggest thing for me has been the concept of changing your mindset. After all, you have to get your mindset in the right place before your really capable of setting about real change. I mean....theres always a root cause or issue that causes us to reach for those things that aren't good for us....right? We all know that eating an apple is better for us than eating that apple pie....but we tend to reach for that pie anyway right? My point is...until we fix the root cause of our unhealthy choices we'll continue to reach for that apple pie and wonder why we can't get our shit together. Ok rant over! Lol The whole point of coming on here was to share my win for the week, which is that Ive lost a whopping 5lbs in a week! May not seem like allot to some...but it's everything to me and such great validation that Im on track and doin the damn thing! Woohoo! Ok...y'all can continue your day now! Lol 😂
New comment Apr 24
Down some lbs....personal win!
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