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ATGC 7 Day Fat Loss Kickstart

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The Real World of Parenting

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Empower Your Evolution

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Safe Heart Connections

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3 contributions to EvolveTogether
Down some lbs....personal win!
Hey all! I don't post much but Ive been on my overall health journey for a bit now. Ive learned and implemented into my daily life so much now...from here and a couple of other groups Im involved in between here and Facebook. Ive managed to implement a few key things to my daily routine and stay fairly consistant through it all. But the biggest thing for me has been the concept of changing your mindset. After all, you have to get your mindset in the right place before your really capable of setting about real change. I mean....theres always a root cause or issue that causes us to reach for those things that aren't good for us....right? We all know that eating an apple is better for us than eating that apple pie....but we tend to reach for that pie anyway right? My point is...until we fix the root cause of our unhealthy choices we'll continue to reach for that apple pie and wonder why we can't get our shit together. Ok rant over! Lol The whole point of coming on here was to share my win for the week, which is that Ive lost a whopping 5lbs in a week! May not seem like allot to some...but it's everything to me and such great validation that Im on track and doin the damn thing! Woohoo! Ok...y'all can continue your day now! Lol 😂
New comment Apr 24
Down some lbs....personal win!
1 like • Apr 24
@Troy Rand I enjoy both...I just choose to be more mindful these days. The point I was trying to make is that most of us know WHAT we should be doing, but allot of the time we don't. And the question is why aren't we? What's holding us back or causing us to reach for what's easiest? We need to identify what that is and after that the healthier options become easier to reach for. It's all a mindset.
1 like • Apr 24
@Bryleigh Hansen tysm...being in therapy def helps keep my mind right! Lol But fr though...Ive been like a sponge soaking up all the information I can to learn and progress my personal growth. Also, this group/platform among others have really helped me stay accountable to myself and my goals. So ty and everyone that take the time to create such a great opportunity for people who are really seeking change.
Day 1 - Wisdom Wednesday
Our community kick off starts with some Wisdom! The best of this hits with quotes. Everyone resonates with certain quotes in some way or another and the good ones stick. Here it goes: "Without struggle, there is no progress" - Frederick Douglass I have this tattooed on the right side of my body. I got it when I was 16. It has a flower with a dead pedal, then another flower above it in full bloom. Just because one pedal is dead and brown, doesn't mean the whole flower has to go down with it. Pretty deep for a 16 year old to come up with this analogy. I honestly kinda forget that I have this tattoo and what's crazy is it hits so much harder now as an adult and it's something I've been trying to remember as I go through my life of building a business now. I want to set the record straight that I'm completely happy and content with my life and what I have created. However, on the flip side... I am struggle bussin' HARD trying to get my Coach Bryleigh business going and this quote has been a great reminder that struggle is what we all have to go through in order to get the best results in the end. Learning how to push through the struggle and celebrate the small wins daily is what makes us move forward. This is what keeps the flower in bloom. If you know me, you know I'm extremely good at fitness. I have been my whole life. Everything fitness comes extremely easy to me. Because of that it's almost like I was expecting my business to just become super successful over night and come easy just like my fitness does... man was I wrong. Building a business is fucking HARD, but that's what makes it so fun. I'm learning SO much and we gettin' there day-by-day! This platform and everyone that has joined the group so far has been a reminder of just how much progress I have made and I can't thank you all enough for being here! So, I hope you can resonate or put this into good use for something going on in your life right now or if you have another quote that's resonating with you that you feel like could benefit the group on this fine Wednesday - please share below!
New comment Apr 28
0 likes • Apr 24
@Travis Halverson very true!
A lil bit of everything...
So today I went on 2 walks. One with my daughter this morning where we got to meet a cute n friendly neighborhood dog who was all to happy to show us some 💘. The other when I took my dog on a walk who shows his excitement by parcoring off the wall next to the front door! 😂 Also, spent some quality time with my lil girl doing puzzles and face masks! Self-care Saturday right? Then she helped me clean up the kitchen earlier. Also, got in my water and steps to meet my target goal for the day with both. Yay! I also did 40 push-ups with knees broke up throughout the day! Def feeling it and im sure I'll be sore in the morning! Burn baby burn! 💪 Finally, I just started listening to this awesome audiobook. What are you listening to or reading? 📓🤔
New comment Apr 23
A lil bit of everything...
1 like • Apr 22
@Bryleigh Hansen well my overall healing/health journey started awhile back. I ve just in this past week started listening to this book. From the book, the quote "Life often turns to shit before shinola!" really stuck with me so far. Lol Sometimes in your journey it gets worse before it gets better...and it's so true! Seems like the more positive/healthy changes to my mindset, creating more positive and healthy changes/habits to my daily routine, the more resistance life's been throwing at me. But in the face of the chaos that life often brings Ive learned to persevere and keep pushing myself daily to constantly be learning and progressing....even on days when I just really don't want to. So far Ive changed my negative thinking mindset into trying to see the positive and can more easily recognize these thoughts as they pop up and quickly turn them around for the good, Ive gotten more active and started making healthier choices nutritionally, which in turn has given me an amazing renewal of energy...allowing me to show up for my lil girl and be more present with her in our daily lives....enjoying one another. Ive also enjoyed seeing the positive affect its had on her as she absolutely loves our daily walks, stretches, and trying to do my workouts with me. Lol She is my inspiration and daily motivation to keep on pushing myself forward. Hope this answers your question. Lol sorry for the long reply!
1 like • Apr 22
@Bryleigh Hansen being sick n tired of cycle I was putting myself through over and over and seeing that I was missing out on so much of my lil girls life. It was either change or die! I was often in n out of the hospital due withdrawal and I just said enough is enough, got clean/sober, started seeing a therapist actually deal with my issues, and then purposely making the decision to start being proactive in my life and put in the work. Because at the end if the day im all my girl has and she deserves the best ME! She's already lost one parent. She can't lose another one!
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Amber Busby
9points to level up
I'm a 40 yr old mama to 2 daughters (22 & 6) and Mimi to 1 granddaughter (2). Im also a widow for 4 yrs now and ready to find myself & God again.

Active 88d ago
Joined Apr 15, 2024
Farmington, AR USA
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