How to get the best audio for your courses🎙️
You can have the best visuals, but if your sound sucks, people will not be engaged
  1. Mic placement: Keep your mic close to your mouth—like 6-12 inches close. This way, you get that clear, crisp sound and not the echoey mess your camera mic gives you. Trust me, external mics are a game changer.
  2. background noise: Find a quiet spot to record. Shut those windows, kill the fans, and silence your phone. If you’re stuck in a noisy spot, grab a directional mic to focus on your voice and not the random stuff happening around you.
  3. Watch Your Levels: Before you hit record, check your audio levels. You don’t want it too loud or too soft. Aim for that sweet spot around -6dB to -12dB so you don’t blow out your viewers’ ears or make them crank up the volume.
  4. Edit: After you record, spend some time in post-production to clean up the audio. Get rid of any background noise, adjust the levels, and make sure everything sounds smooth. A little editing goes a long way. Adobe podcast is a good way to edit these easily.
If you’re looking for a solid mic, my rec is the RODE Compact Wireless PRO. It’s easy to use and sounds great imo. not an affiliate for that😂 thats just what I use for all my videos
Donovan Camp
How to get the best audio for your courses🎙️
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