So I went on TikTok live today and honestly it was amazing!!! I enjoyed it so much that I will be doing it more. I treated it like a webinar and shared my adhd goal setting worksheet. They loved it and it built a huge amount of trust.
I definitely can improve on how I present it but I was very happy with the confidence I had and also the level of transparency too.
I teased my paid community and I had someone say they want in ASAP.
I can see that my offer is what the market wants and all I need to do is do webinars.
I am just using TikTok as a way to practice but eventually it will be an actual webinar and I can see the roadmap for my MRR goal.
I just want to thank you all for your support!!!!
I always have changed my onboarding call name to ADHD goal setting call (30 mins) going through the worksheet and setting a goal with them as well as finding out what they are struggling with.
Honestly I can see everything so clearly now.
I was on live 2:30 hours and it felt like less. I only stopped because I have a full time job.
I want to do this full time. I loved it!
I wish I took a screenshot but someone said they were so glad they came across my live.
I got a massive dopamine hit from that comment.
Anyway guys. Keep going because action makes things clearer.