Sk#5 Go to the place that’s uncomfortable
In order grow, you’re gonna need to perform while uncomfortable.
You’re going to see the uncomfortable spot and you’re going to gravitate toward it because that’s where your potential is.
There are only 16 members on this community.
This is a safe place to get uncomfortable so you can move.
In three years you look back to today and go “wow I joined that group when it was a newbie and I was green and I said that? I’m proud of me”.
And most likely you’ll be saying the same things just with a greater sense of confidence.
You get out of life what you put in.
You will get out of this community what you invest. You will get out of your business what you invest.
I’m going to teach you how to tell stories at different levels to get comfortable and attract people who need your solutions through your storytelling.
We will use different tools and platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn, website, emails & Live communications. And in all of these different communication vehicles, you have to learn how to tell stories, the same stories to same target audience, using different tools.
So start with your story. Who are you and why you are here.
What moves you. What keeps you going.
Because when this is crystal clear, your WHY, then when the going gets tough, you know you won’t even think of giving up.
You gotta know your WHY, fine-tune it and put that in everything you do, share, communicate.
Let’s get GROWING 👊
Stacey Krizan
Sk#5 Go to the place that’s uncomfortable
Cryo Contouring Launch Club
Private community for biz owners of non-invasive treatments (Neveskin, T-Shape 2, etc) who want greater revenue faster with high ticket package sales.
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