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Owned by Stacey

Cryo Contouring Launch Club

Public • 34 • $19/m

Private community for biz owners of non-invasive treatments (Neveskin, T-Shape 2, etc) who want greater revenue faster with high ticket package sales.


Skool Community

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The Skool Games

Private • 19.5k • Free

Grow With Evelyn

Private • 2.6k • $49/m

Alex Hormozi

Private • 366 • Paid

The Big Membership Mentoring

Private • 710 • Free

49 contributions to Cryo Contouring Launch Club
Sk39: Started from the bottom. Now where are we? It's important to stop and take "inventory" of where you are and where you began. Celebrate & learn. Think about the direction you are going vs where you want to be. Here's me stopping to do what I would have my coaching clients do. This is the view of my treatment business from where my feet are planted today. Dec 22, 2022, I created a 'test kitchen' for my Cryo Contouring Launch Coach Coaching Clients to watch me build from scratch. I intended to show them, rather than tell them. I wanted to show them how I would build their business if I were them. Anyone watching can copy, edit, and paste for their business purpose. That's the reason my B2C Cryo Contouring Studios LLC business was born and it's still the reason it's thriving. Ironically, it is growing faster than most full-service spas in the US with record monthly revenue. And we only promote one ideal treatment offering for a very specific target audience. Offer: 10 weekly appointments of non-invasive body contouring for $3,000 ICP: Women between 45-65 years who juggle work and family and have decided to finally prioritize their needs. I am humbled and grateful for those following and cheering me on. Take a listen to how I talk about: 1) what we do 2) who we treat 3) and why we are not for everyone.
New comment 1h ago
Sk39: Started from the bottom. Now where are we?
Sk39: data. It’s not valuable except in context and timeperiods. And matched against your activity and expectations.
Two time periods on two programs. Meta & POS 👀 View and engagement on social. 💰 treatment sales trend’s during same time periods. Recent 30 Days and recent 90 days. Take a look at my social metrics and tell me what you see .. .
New comment 11d ago
Sk39: data. It’s not valuable except in context and timeperiods. And matched against your activity and expectations.
0 likes • 11d
Sk38: Advocates! Promote them, not the opposite
most people think that advocates, referral connections, affiliates, friends will refer and promote your services And then they get frustrated because they don’t do enough activity that generates enough results that is profitable or worthwhile. I do the opposite. I frequent the businesses, and I become their client and their customer of the ones who love my services and are advocates of us. I don’t expect them to promote my services, instead, I promote their business and our association and appreciation of their business serving their audience. Their audience sees my activity and then inquires to their business owner about my company. It makes the referral activity more natural and sincere. I know what I can do in terms of promoting people, and I don’t like to wait for the activity of others to drive the future of my business.
New comment 10d ago
Sk38: Advocates! Promote them, not the opposite
1 like • 11d
I bring cards and I invite them to my business for a complimentary treatment. If they don’t come to me for free, after I spend a couple appts with them, why would I expect them to promote my services? They are not gonna be productive. And if they don’t become my client, they wil never be a great advocate or a great source of referral
1 like • 11d
@Brenda Boes think on this. And let’s connect mid next week to discuss how you can leverage your community presence
Sk37: Add treatments that activate or facilitate your lymphatic system
As we age, our bodies slow down. And we can’t fight off the effects of gravity and aging like we used to when our bodies were younger and more efficient. In 20 min my contouring clients add a static lymphatic treatment with Neveskin Utra. Additionally, I add pneumatic compression therapy with Therabody Jet boots for their legs. Not only do the clients feel like they’re getting a light massage and a relaxation., I know selfishly the results for anti-aging and contouring are going to be better. I charged $250 for this 20 minute treatment, $200x5 for a 5 pack. What can you do to make great use of your clients time and help them have guaranteed contouring results?
Sk37: Add treatments that activate or facilitate your lymphatic system
Sk36: K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stacey
Here’s how I do my marketing. I find people like me. People who have the problems I have that I can solve with them. I market to people like me who want my help for 10 wks. I exclude prospects who won’t fit our business model. I make sure I am an advocate of my own services I make sure I’m comfortable being a public advocate for my staff and my services. If I feel like crap, bloated, tired, etc, I go back to square one and get my problem solved at my place of business or by my advocates. It’s a flywheel of self care and needs met and attracts advocates who become friends and family, who pay me for my time, resources, and expertise.
New comment 11d ago
Sk36: K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stacey
1 like • 11d
@Brenda Boes sometimes I have to pinch myself because I am in shock that it works pretty effectively in generating revenue. And more importantly, it attracts people that want to be here, spend lots of money with us, enjoy our Brand experience, and appreciate and buy my staff and myself gifts for almost no reason other than they’re appreciative of how their life has changed. Selling doesn’t have to be sales, just solve really important problems.
1-10 of 49
Stacey Krizan
11points to level up
Contouring Launch Coach for beauty entrepreneurs who want faster ROI with less frustration and more enjoyment as they integrate Contouring services.

Active 5h ago
Joined Feb 15, 2024
Bernardsville, NJ
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