Sk34 August was slower than July.
August FM Sales were $29,452
Rolling 90 days was $93,560 net sales
Made a couple shifts to address objections of $3,000 upfront for 10 pack.
We suggested 5 pack for $1,750 and for new clients they can add 6th treatment for $249
For clients who have completed their 10 pack and want to keep their results to improve or add a new body area, they purchased a 5pack for $1,750 and get their 6th session free of charge.
Stacey Krizan
Sk34 August was slower than July.
Cryo Contouring Launch Club
Private community for biz owners of non-invasive treatments (Neveskin, T-Shape 2, etc) who want greater revenue faster with high ticket package sales.
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