Stamp & Goal
I'm Keto Continuum #6 sometimes #7. Most days I eat in 6 hours or less. 18/6 is my normal.
Day 1: (Sunday-Funday! We're a football family and it shows in my numbers.)
Protein: 98 gr.
Carbs: 88gr.
Fat: 132 gr.
Day 2: (Not much better...leftovers...ugh)
Protein: 80 gr.
Carbs: 59gr.
Fat: 134 gr.
My goals for this course are:
  1. Strengthen fasting muscle (36-48 hr fasts) I've done 3 72 hr fasts total since last year but i really want more consistency weekly.
  2. Break a few bad habits (eating after sunset, track my food daily, no eating alone).
  3. Lose the inflammation/pounds I've gained since my son went to college this summer. Emotional eating is real!
Ruthie Slingerland
Stamp & Goal
Deborah's Victory Team (DVT)
I love sharing my faith and story of recovery. How I live: first, I learn it, then I do it, then I teach it! With God all things are possible!
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