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September Live Class is happening in 4 days
Days 15-21: 30 Day Challenge
Here is your FULL WEEK plan with you for days 15-21 of our challenge. Now keep in mind, this is future tense for me as well, so I don’t have examples to share with you YET, but you’ll start to notice them in the daily engagement thread posts. I will still make daily engagement thread posts Mon-Fri and remind you of the day's posting guidance that I've created and shared here for you! This just allows you to plan more in a week's timeframe or plan to switch days around for busier/easier days needed for your schedule! Day 15 (Monday): I’ll never stop posting about __________ (the secret sauce to what makes your business methodology create success stories) because my clients are ___________ (list what they are saying about you, how you’ve made them happy/successful, etc). You can even share screen shots to pop up on the screen for further proof. Caption: I say this with so much LOVE, but... You have to have ________ (your secret sauce of your business methodology) in order for your (ambitious desire) to come to life. Here’s why: Break down your methodology and WHY it works. List 1-2 liners about specific clients (mention them by name for even more proof) about how you took them from X to Y or created them into happy returning clients without WHATEVER THEY DIDN’T WANT TO DO (spend more money, break the budget, waste more time, wait 2 weeks for shipping, give up their favorite foods, etc) I know you’re feeling _______ (limited belief/hold back) But there’s so much FREEDOM (feeling they are desiring) that awaits you (on the other side of working with me/my business or what the next step of entering your world looks like) CTA word to the next place you want to drive them. In stories: Slide 1: I say this with so much love….. Slide 2: I’ll never stop posting about X because…. (Poll, are you ready for me to spill it?) Slide 3: But first, do you want results like this? Share Client names or screen shots of happy/returning clients again with either a poll or drag the bar to amp them up and learn how your warm audience is based on story engagement…
New comment 8d ago
Days 15-21: 30 Day Challenge
Monday September 9 Goal Setting + Engagement!
Happy Monday, Ladies! I’m about to deliver your final days of the 30 day done-for-you posting challenge! There will be a WINNER & I know some of you are working a few days or even weeks behind, but make sure you give me honest feedback on the Friday weekly post about this challenge. It helps me know how to better serve each of you in the future in this group! Let’s make this week’s GOAL post here! Share at least one goal for your work week. Setting goals, writing them out and sharing them makes you FAR more likely to turn it to reality! Let’s make this the Monday Engagement Thread post. Only share yours if you’re able to give love to the others. Remember community is about what you give as well as receive 💗 So share the link from today’s post or your newest post below. Days 29&30 (with one additional option) are coming up next!
New comment 10d ago
Monday September 9 Goal Setting + Engagement!
Days 29&30: 30 Day Done-for-You Challenge
Day 29: did you hear about the drama with? Nope I’m busy (how I helped my client achieve x for authority, great to transition the video SHOWING you doing this!) Option 2: My favorite animal is me when ________ I create x result for my client with my proven process/method:unique strategy Day 29 Email Marketing: Depending on which you choose will affect the Email Subject Line! Option 1 Subject Line: Did you hear the drama? Option 2 Subject Line: Did you hear??? In the body, share your caption from your Instagram post, include any screen shot proof you may have added to your post and then link your CTA of the next place you’re taking them. Stories: Slide 1: Did you hear the drama? Or Option 2: Did you Hear? Include poll for them to vote Slide 2: but before I share, I need to ask you a serious question…. (Poll to hype them up like “I am ready” “ask away!”) Slide 3: Do you want wins like these? Share screen shots of recent client wins. Question box or poll so you can see your warm leads. Slide 4: ok I’m spilling it! HERE (link to your newest post!) Day 30: I’m very excited to announce!!!! As a strong hook then leading into a new clip, carousel swipe or DTC explaining a client win ______ (authority + social proof post) Email marketing: Subject line: EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT subject line #2: This is CRAZY! In the body of your email, share your proven business method that created X new client success story! You can repurpose your caption from social media and add any screen shot or visual client feedback for proof. Then link to the CTA of the next place you want to take them. Stories: Slide 1: I am so EXCITED today bc I get to share a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! (Poll: omg I love exciting announcements, tell me already!) Slide 2: I recently heard back from client X and the feedback is BEYOND EXCITING! (Poll: show me, I wanna see!) Slide 3: but this is TYPICAL bc it’s based on my (proven business method that’s created X # of happy clients or success stories for Y years) and give a sneak into the client win.
Days 12, 13 + 14: 30 Day Challenge!
Happy Friday, Ladies! I am delivering TODAY’s posting guidance (the option you did NOT choose on Monday, Day 8) along with 2 optional weekend posts for days 13+14 that wil be easy peasy! Day 12 (2 options, choose the one you did not choose on Monday) Today's Post Guidance #1: Create a carousel where you showcase some of your recent client testimonials or happy customer feedback. If you do not have a way that you ask for an obtain this type of social proof, this is something you need to try to start gathering today so you can make this post later in the week. (this is when you would choose post option #2) EXAMPLE: You can choose to keep the same photo for all carousel posts or you can guide them through a visual story if you want (but this can take longer to create). Verbiage for carousel slide #1: Introduce yourself, what you do, who you serve and that you are about to share recent client feedback. Slides #2-#9 (you don't have to use all 9, but you have a total of 10 slides, so I want to let you know up front how many slides for client feedback you have to use). I suggest screen shot proof if you have it to share on each of these slides for the ultimate trust factor. Last slide (could be #10 or you may choose to create a carousel that's less than 10 slides), use a CTA word for them to obtain your freebie, VIP list, or wherever the next place you want to drive them is! STORIES: Make sure to prep in stories with verbiage that says "incoming......major happy client feedback that I'm so excited to share with you!" include a poll that says something like "omg I can't wait to see" or "bring it!" Then you can either share each individual slide in your stories with a link or CTA dm response word to drive to the next place you want them to go. You can also share 1-2 in stories and then share your feed carousel post (link to the actual post) to drive them to go read more of the testimonials.
New comment 14d ago
Days 12, 13 + 14: 30 Day Challenge!
Day 11: 30 Day Challenge
Day 10 Post was Consideration Post, but positioned with Authority! If you mentioned client feedback or social proof in your caption, it even could have started to cover some decision making positioned content! Day 11 of 30: GET READY FOR DIRECT TO CAMERA FILMING! what stage do you think this covers? [Opening shot of a person looking directly into the camera with contagious energy and even some initial movement (walking, setting camera down, sitting down to talk, etc.] Hook: “(Say whatever your unique way of saying hi to ONE person is, for me it’s HEY GIRL HEY or Hey girlfriend)….If you’re looking for a way to ________ambitious desire), grab a notebook and a pen because I’m about to spill it all. Get ready to (and choose whichever best fits your business client: work smarter not harder, make your money go further, get more out of _____) (You’re basically going to be telling them more about HOW you create happy clients so they know what to expect and know what to expect when they become your client!) Introduce yourself and position yourself as an expert/authoritative figure in your industry (basically WHY they should listen to you!) (You can even be holding a pen and notepad to shake in front of the camera to keep attention) Method part 1: Method part 2: Method part 3: Just ask my clients (insert a few clients names) and how the proven methodology from my business has helped them ________ (insert their ambitious desires turned reality after working with you.) Until next time…..End with one of your favorite inspirational/educational quotes/piece of advice You can put CTA word wherever you’re driving them to on screen and/or both on screen and caption! I encourage using captions on the screen for those who watch without audio on (maybe at work or a napping child) Make sure you do a short caption on screen letting them know exactly what you’re sharing in the video. Helps them to know you deliver exactly what you say you’re going to do!
New comment 14d ago
Day 11: 30 Day Challenge
1-14 of 14
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