Embrace the Mess ...sometimes!
I used to beat myself up about my messy desk. Not anymore.
Last week, I had a breakthrough on a project I'd been stuck on for months.
The twist? It happened in my chaotic living room, not my tidy office.
Toys scattered on the floor. Books piled high on every surface.
In that moment, I realized something profound.
The mess wasn't a distraction. It was a catalyst for creativity.
Research backs this up. A study from the University of Minnesota found that people in messy rooms came up with more creative ideas.
Why? Disorder challenges our conventional thinking.
It forces our brains to make new connections.
To see possibilities where we didn't before.
Now, I'm not saying to never clean again.
But maybe, just maybe, a little chaos is exactly what we need sometimes.
To break out of our routines. To think differently.
To innovate.
So the next time you're feeling stuck, try embracing a bit of mess.
You might be surprised at the ideas that emerge.
What unconventional methods help you think creatively? Share below!
Suzanne Taylor-King
Embrace the Mess ...sometimes!
Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs
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