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🔴 Office Hour with Henry is happening in 6 days
Morpholio Trace Master Class 2.0
Hi there! Might be a question for Henry only or maybe those who have already delved into the MT Master Class 2.0 offering. I enrolled in the first one and want to know whether I’ll be getting updates or are there new modules i cannot access unless i pay a second time? Thank you for your time. :-)
New comment 4d ago
Screen protector vs pen tip……the ongoing saga
As I have noted before I have yet to find a screen protector that serves my specific needs of not reducing screen clarity or color saturation. My answer so far has been to try a variety of pen tips with varying degrees of success. My latest venture comes from a great guy in Stuttgart that hand makes leather covered pen tips. Kind of wild but they seem to work really well. They are a little pricey so my quest will continue but this seems a good solution for the moment. I really wanted to try PenTips ‘fuzzy’ tip but I missed out on the beta test. Hopefully they continue on with that soon. See photo for the leather tip I’m currently using.
New comment Aug 14
Screen protector vs pen tip……the ongoing saga
Procreate vs Photoshop: Discuss
So...not to ruffle feathers here but my process has been SU->Photoshop. Via Cintiq when I'm in the studio and via iPad when I'm traveling/on site for a workshop. From what I've seen, Procreate seems to be the better 'digital sketching' option....but I'm hesitant to make the switch since I'm still desktop-bound most days and there is no desktop version of Procreate. Any thoughts there? I'll post a few of my loose charrette sketches (done in 1-2 hours max) for reference. Thanks in advance.
New comment Aug 1
Procreate vs Photoshop: Discuss
Revit Image Export
Does anyone have advice on exporting images from Revit to trace over in Procreate? Any settings I should be mindful of? Thanks!
New comment Jul 31
iPad vs iPad Pro
Hi folks! I've been borrowing an iPad for this course, and I'm going to buy one now to use for drawings. Any thoughts on iPad vs iPad Pro vs iPad air? I guess they all work with Procreate but wonder if anyone has thoughts on whether there's any real advantage to the Pro vs regular or air? Thanks!
New comment Jul 25
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iPad for Architects
Uncover a seamless digital transition for sketching, rendering, and designing, while preserving the authentic hand-drawn feel.
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