Day 14
Are you still locked in? Are you still focused on your goal? I know for me the first time I did a challenge like this, it was easy to lose sight of the long term and turn my eyes to the easy, comfortable habits I used to have.
But by choosing to conciously think about "What would future me want me to do right now?" is always a great way to snap back into the discipline and motivation you need to stay focused.
These past 5 days ive been off the grid, but never off my mission. And I hope you reading this have not faltered either. Over The weekend I didn't get as much done as I would have liked because of a funeral and because of travel, but in those 2 days, I still managed to stick to my positive habits and avoid negative ones.
It's a reminder that life is going to continue on no matter what. It's easy to make excuses and to delay your promises. "Ill wait for the right time: or "I can't right now because I want to wait till next month" and all the blah blah reasons you can make for why you can't prioritize the things YOU KNOW will make you a better person.
Don't let life & comfort bully you into thinking you aren't good enough for progress. Don't let old habits force you into identifying as an old version of yourself all your life. And lastly, don't let a day go by living that you go to bed thinking "Damn, I should have done more"
Go to bed knowing "I did my best at trying my best today" Let's keep it going
Apex Laurent
Day 14
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