It's okay to have creators block. Ive struggled for a long time to be creative. With having kids and working a full-time job. It is hard to pursue music at time. When I would finally get sometime to myself I wouldn't even know where to start. From creating music, thinking about how to market it and grow a following. I would get too in my head and stress out then end up not creating at all.
Some of the things I started implement maybe will help you if you ever feel like me.
- Know its okay to not be where you wanna be. Understand its a marathon not a sprint.
- Create on the go. Sometime I would be at work and I would thing of a hook or a song Idea. So I would go to a quiet spot and record a voice note of my idea. Or write something lyrics down. So when I finally sit down I can listen to it and build off of that.
- Take it one step at a time. Focus on the music first. You cant promote something you don't have.
- Use your resources. Ive learned so much from the 2 days being on Brandman Network then watching endless Youtube videos and feeling lost. Being on here keeps me focused and its such a great community.
Smash the like button if you ever felt this way. Or feel free to add your thoughts...