Preventing Unsolicited Messages From Scammers In Skool
Hey NLN Community! We’ve been made aware of a few scammers finding their way into our space and reaching out to some of you recently.
In light of this, we’ve stepped up our security and scrutiny measures when it comes to the screening process for prospective members to try and spot these individuals and prevent them from joining.
We’ve also dealt with these few individuals that have been reported by you guys and they have been banned from the group. Please continue to let us know if you receive any unsolicited messages from other people who don't seem genuine and continue to report any suspicious posts or comments.
To avoid this happening again to anyone in the future we advise that you turn off your chat availability in your profile settings. Full instructions on how you can do that can be found in the video at the bottom of this post as well as the “START HERE” course.
Rest assured, disabling this feature won’t prevent you from messaging me, Sean, or any other members of our team as we are all group admins but it will stop people on Skool from reaching out to you with unsolicited DMs.
To clarify, you will also still be able to reach out to people in the community privately via DMs if you're currently having conversations or if they have decided to keep their messaging availability open.
Any questions about this or any experiences/issues you’d like to share please get in touch.
~ Josh
Joshua Coase
Preventing Unsolicited Messages From Scammers In Skool
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