Boost Your Morning Workouts: Training Fasted and Maximizing Your Session
Getting the most out of a fasted workout, especially before heading to work, requires some strategic planning. Here’s how to make sure your fasted training sessions are effective and energising.
Benefits of Fasted Training
  • Hydrate Well: Drink plenty of water before your workout to stay hydrated and help maintain energy levels. At least 2 litres pre workout including electrolytes (1g salt and 500mg potassium)
  • Consider Black Coffee or Green Tea or some form of caffeine: Caffeine from black coffee or green tea can boost energy and fat oxidation without breaking your fast.
  • Warm Up Properly: Spend extra time warming up to prepare your muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury when training on an empty stomach. This can also help mental focus.
  • Consider intra workout nutrition: EAAS and/or carbs can help sustain and maintain focus and energy until the end.
  • Refuel Wisely Post-Workout: After your session, consume a balanced meal with protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats and a good serving of protein to aid recovery and replenish energy stores. Generally we recommend higher % of carbs post workout vs any other meal!
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. If you experience dizziness, fatigue, or discomfort, it might be worth revisiting your approach or eating a small snack before training.
Fasted training can be a powerful tool in your fitness routine, but it's essential to approach it mindfully. By hydrating, warming up, and choosing the right intensity, you can ensure a productive workout that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day.
Josh Bridgman
One More School
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