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Building Foundational Gut Health in 7 Weeks or Less
Please note: this is a very general, simplified step-by-step guide and is not applicable if you have a medical condition such as Crohn's or any inflammatory gut disorders. It is not replacement for certified medical advice. See file attached at the end for the full guide + fibre guide ⬇️ ✔️ STAGE I A lot of discomfort and IBS-like symptoms can be solved by simply stripping your diet back slightly, without the need for more in-depth elimination. 🟩 Week 1 Remove: diet or other carbonated beverages - we all know that artificial sweeteners alter our gut biome, but their acidity can potentially alter the pH balance of the digestive tract. Plus, fizz is probably not helping the case! Add: a portion of soluble fibre to every meal*. 🟩 Week 2 Remove: all artificial sweeteners. 'Sugar-free' does not equate to 'beneficial for gut health'! Sugar-free Ribena, sugar-free jam, the Stevia in your coffee... you name it. Add: a portion of cooked (steamed, roasted, boiled) insoluble fibre to every meal*. ✔️ STAGE II If your gut is still playing up, there are a couple of other things you can do - you won't like the first one... 🟨 Week 3 Remove: caffeine. Caffeine, particularly from coffee, may irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract by increasing the production of stomach acid and speeding up the passage of food through the digestive system. High doses of caffeine could potentially disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in some individuals. Add: fennel tea. Fennel has carminative properties, meaning it can help prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract and ease bloating. 🟨 Week 4 Remove: gluten. Although gluten may not have an inflammatory effect on everyone, it may be worth reducing or removing it altogether for a week just to see if you feel better. Add: grains soaked in water and lemon juice. Starchy carbs are good for you, so feel free to replace any flour-based goods with grains. Soaking grains helps break down complex starches, making them easier to digest, as well as breaks down phytic acid, which enhances mineral absorption.
Satiety-based Calorie Deficit Meal Plan
Notes: - Quantities of each food are adjustable and subject to your individual macro goals. - Timings are also arbitrary, and their only function is to indicate that carbohydrates are “front-loaded” in the first half of the day. 08:00 - Meal 1 300g 0% Greek Yoghurt (or 250g low fat plain kefir yoghurt) 1-2 Weetabix (or 20-40g any cereal / granola) 100g cherries (or any berries) 20g 80% dark chocolate 12:00-13:00 - Meal 2 200-300g potato (purple is ideal), air-fried as wedges 150-200g chicken tenders, air-fried and seasoned to taste 30g 50% reduced fat cheddar Any air-fried vegetable on the side 15:00-16:00 - Pre-Training Meal 2-3 Ryvita crackers (or any wholewheat crackers) 30g nut butter 1 average banana OR (if not training) 1 Ryvita cracker 1 0% fat yoghurt pot (150-200g) of choice 1 apple 18:00-20:00 - Meal 3 20-30g Wakame seaweed (consult your medical practitioner if you have thyroid issues as it is very high in iodine) 150g stir fry beef strips (or Tofu for a vegetarian option) 5-10g sesame oil 30-40g light soy sauce 2-4 seafood sticks, diced Cucumber, diced and to taste Green onion, to taste Chili flakes, to taste
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