Make way for the new
Two days ago we took down our tall palm tree. Mike had been planning and calculating how to do this safely for a month or so and has worked hard to make it happen well, however there was always the possibility that things could go badly.
The day arrived, with ropes and chains, counterweights in place. Mike had climbed the tall ladder many times (this whole operation was all by himself). He drilled and hand-sawed, then came down and pulled the counterweights at the right angles until we heard snapping cracks, and then a seemingly slow motion tree came down landing softly into our pool. There was no damage to person or thing. Thank you Jesus.
This tree was old, had become a hindrance to us (and our dog who ate the nuts which made him sick), so we knew it was time for it to go. We were a bit sad because we did enjoy the sky scape, especially the moon at night peeping through the fronds and making them glisten.
We thought we’d miss it.
As our eyes were exploring the ‘suddenly’ new sky scape, we noticed the other emerging palm tree was now visible and had taken its place as the tallest vegetation in our little oasis garden by the pool. It was now this tree’s time to shine! But for it to do so we had to remove the old first to make room to do its own thing.
I’m sharing this as I felt it really fits with what we’re discussing now in the intensive. 🌴🔥
Valerie Keeping
Make way for the new
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