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Prophetic Inner Circle

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6 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
Greetings Prophetic Company!
Hope you're having an incredible August! I'm so looking forward to September and what we will continue to build here! It's going to be incredible. This morning as I was in prayer I felt this strong atmosphere of peace and I wanted to remind you that as Kings and Priests we operate out of peace. We govern in peace and we function through peace. I pray that the peace of the kingdom rests upon you today in all that you do. For peace is our portion and peace has a byproduct and that is clarity, productivity, assurance and hope! Love you all! Will see you more frequently in September! 😊
New comment Aug 23
0 likes • Aug 23
Shalom! 🙌🏻
Very weird dream - fish and we-fie
Hi all, I had a very weird dream this week. am lost in interpretation. Appreciate your comments/wisdom!
New comment 2d ago
1 like • Aug 2
I agree with this interpretation and would add that as you felt the fish that was being handed out was the one you paid for -it speaks to me of your ministry. You are tasting and seeing that it is good - and sharing that with others. Great dream!
It’s time for My sheep to come back to My fold
There is a fairy tale called The frog prince. The Lord showed me that many people believe they are a frog, when they are actually a prince. I heard the words “ I need My people to pray for these people, for their lost identity, the enemy has lied and told them they are nothing but a frog, when in fact they have a Royal Identity! “ I heard the words “ They have to stop agreeing with the enemy, the lies he has been telling them about their limitations and has stolen their identities . I then heard these words loudly. “ It’s time to take back those who have been stolen!! IT IS TIME FOR MY SHEEP TO COME BACK TO MY FOLD!! 1 Peter 2:9-10 John : 10:10
New comment Aug 2
0 likes • Aug 2
Oh yes!!!!! 🔥
Make way for the new
Two days ago we took down our tall palm tree. Mike had been planning and calculating how to do this safely for a month or so and has worked hard to make it happen well, however there was always the possibility that things could go badly. The day arrived, with ropes and chains, counterweights in place. Mike had climbed the tall ladder many times (this whole operation was all by himself). He drilled and hand-sawed, then came down and pulled the counterweights at the right angles until we heard snapping cracks, and then a seemingly slow motion tree came down landing softly into our pool. There was no damage to person or thing. Thank you Jesus. This tree was old, had become a hindrance to us (and our dog who ate the nuts which made him sick), so we knew it was time for it to go. We were a bit sad because we did enjoy the sky scape, especially the moon at night peeping through the fronds and making them glisten. We thought we’d miss it. As our eyes were exploring the ‘suddenly’ new sky scape, we noticed the other emerging palm tree was now visible and had taken its place as the tallest vegetation in our little oasis garden by the pool. It was now this tree’s time to shine! But for it to do so we had to remove the old first to make room to do its own thing. I’m sharing this as I felt it really fits with what we’re discussing now in the intensive. 🌴🔥
Mafia dreams - 3 dreams
I’ve been asking Holy Spirit for help with my documentary on atmospheres - I’ve had 3 dreams (incredibly movie like with different canera angle shots ) over 3 nights in the past couple of week about the mafia - Dream 1 Set in 1950’s I was part of it, it was like I was in a movie and with different camera views / I saw a big black 1950 type American car and my self standing on a footpath in front of the big black gangster car - there were 3 big blokes in the back and the driver was encouraged me to get into the car with the gangsters - as soon as I got in the car a man approached the car with a machine gun and shot up the car I think we were all killed - although all I saw was the windscreens getting shattered Dream no2 1950’s I was an observer in a typical American 2 sentry house house leading on from the myrder in the car - I knew that these ladies husbands had been murdered and now they were targeting the wives - there was a man under the floor and a lady in the bedroom lifted up a hatch in the floor I think it must have been a basement - there was a gangster hiding under the floor as the camera view went under the floor - the lady looked into the basement and was in shock - I knew her husband was there (dead) but you could see him - she reached in and the gangster grabbed her Dream 3 I was in my early 20’s in my home town, some young Italians I grew up with being accepted and feeling the honour of being accepted into “ the family” mafia - 3 dreams - I’m sensing i need to watch the Godfather movie 🍿 All 3 dreams were movie like and showed the situation but didn’t have any narrative - “show don’t tell” style I did have another dream about identity but I can’t remember that other than a person being confused about if they were male or female I’m not a big dreamer so Any interpretations would be greatly appreciated
New comment Jul 31
1 like • Jul 31
Hi @Barry Maskell , I find it interesting that in dream 1 and 3 you were participating but in dream 2 you were an observer. I'm not sure what that might mean.... I'm not getting a clear interpretation - but I'll take a crack at it (please flush if you feel it's not relevant...) I think you are on the right track when you speak of identity. John 10:10 NKJV The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. In dream 1. you were invited to participate with the gangsters, which resulted in being taken out. In dream 3. you were again invited to join the "family". Dream 2. highlights the "badness" of the bad guys. All of the dreams point to the danger of being misled, associating with unhealthy "family". Maybe a warning (for yourself) to look out for the wolf in sheep's clothing? Another angle could be that you are being positioned to rescue someone from danger - or to intercede for someone who may be in danger of making bad choices? I hope this helps.
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Valerie Keeping
5points to level up
Grandmother of 7, mother of three beautiful adults, wife of one! Lover of Jesus and growing in the prophetic. (I'm a dreamer...)

Active 3d ago
Joined Jul 12, 2024
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