Prophet dream - leaving my job
Last night I had a dream that felt significant. Interested in your thoughts 😊 I know that Daryl as a prophet would represent God speaking.
I was with a group of young women and we were talking about changing jobs and i mentioned that I’d had 21 jobs in the last 20 years (this isn’t actually true though).
Daryl Crawford-Marshall was sitting nearby and said he often spoke words to transition people out of jobs. I went and sat with him and asked him if I’m meant to leave my job (as I hadn’t heard a clear yes on Gods timing). He said yes I am meant to leave.
Daryl reminded me that he had recently given me 3 gifts to signify the transition and asked me if I remembered what they were (I got the sense that I’d already delayed making this change):
The 3 gifts were
A pink pen 🖊️
A colorful woven Middle eastern looking scarfe/ cloak 🥻
A note typed on small piece of paper (i knew it was an important instruction/ plan) 📃
Narelle Korotkov
Prophet dream - leaving my job
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