@Ruth Saw @ Michele Reeve
Ruth in today's session when Jack mentioned flags God highlighted you to me but I didn't know what He was speaking until I went outside for a walk. He said: " you have many tools under your toolbelt daughter. Worship is one of them" writing as well. I felt an invitation to write but not to write a book. But a love letter(s) to your beloved savior Jesus, your King, your lover. A letter intimately written for His eyes only to see. ❤️ I felt God was calling you to come on one of these sessions and worship with your flags. This will bring a tremendous amount of anointing down and healing of your soul. This is your warfare daughter. Worship thru the hurt and let the healer heal you of all past hurts, disappoints, rejections, and feeling like you are not enough. As you are worshipping you will also bring healing to those in here who are in a dry wilderness season or have experience the same hurts as you. A corporate healing will occur. This word has a double portion, a double anointing, for your worship will bring forth another worshipper on here that God is calling out. God is calling forth this worshipper to worship with flags as well. They are in the beginning stage uncertain if God is calling them to flag worship. Seeing your worship God will use you as His instrument to make it ever so clear the calling that He is bring forth this worshipper. I believe I heard the name Michele but uncertain so I'm stepping out in faith. God is calling this worshipper out, calling them forth to the forefront for He is calling them for such a time as this. This act of obedience will bear double fruitiness, in your life and in the proceeding worshipper that God is calling out in this hour.
Mayra Lopez
@Ruth Saw @ Michele Reeve
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