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Prophetic Inner Circle

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4 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
Very weird dream - fish and we-fie
Hi all, I had a very weird dream this week. am lost in interpretation. Appreciate your comments/wisdom!
New comment 3d ago
0 likes ā€¢ Aug 5
@April Colley thank you for this. Declaring this to be so!
0 likes ā€¢ 3d
@Jenny Lee Thank you Jenny for your detailed explanation. i felt the love of God over me just reading this. Thank you. I receive it and amen!
Divine Exchange Outline
Dear all, thank you for listening today. Please find attached the Divine Exchange outline. I'll love to have your comments on the content as well as the book cover. Please also pray that I can start writing it and not hold back, because I'm not a minister and I dread theological debates, and to pray for strategies to launch this. I desire to translate this to Chinese - which I have not done before. I pray somehow I can reach out to the senior citizens in Singapore and Asia. It will be a miracle if I do as some churches only allow Pastors to administrate communion. Thank you!
New comment Jul 9
Divine Exchange Outline
1 like ā€¢ Jul 7
@Christina F thank you šŸ™ā¤ļø
0 likes ā€¢ Jul 7
@Barry Maskell thank you!
Prayer Request: Lilly's Dad šŸ™
Hey Fam, Yesterday we were notified that Lilly's dad was rushed to the hospital for stroke like symptoms. After a CAT scan and MRI it was determined that he has a mass on his brain. Tomorrow they will do further testing to see if its cancerous or not and what the right moves are forward. Could you please stand with us in prayer for a supernatural intervention. We operate in a different realm, a different dimension, where sickness can not have residence and must bow to the name of Jesus. Please lift him up and contend with me for heaven to invade this situation! Thank you family!ā¤ļø
New comment 9d ago
2 likes ā€¢ Jul 4
praying! Cursing the mass to shrink and be purged out of his body. Declaring His healing balm over him that any stroke like symptoms will go in Jesus's name!
@Ruth Saw @ Michele Reeve
@Ruth Saw @Michele Reeve Ruth in today's session when Jack mentioned flags God highlighted you to me but I didn't know what He was speaking until I went outside for a walk. He said: " you have many tools under your toolbelt daughter. Worship is one of them" writing as well. I felt an invitation to write but not to write a book. But a love letter(s) to your beloved savior Jesus, your King, your lover. A letter intimately written for His eyes only to see. ā¤ļø I felt God was calling you to come on one of these sessions and worship with your flags. This will bring a tremendous amount of anointing down and healing of your soul. This is your warfare daughter. Worship thru the hurt and let the healer heal you of all past hurts, disappoints, rejections, and feeling like you are not enough. As you are worshipping you will also bring healing to those in here who are in a dry wilderness season or have experience the same hurts as you. A corporate healing will occur. This word has a double portion, a double anointing, for your worship will bring forth another worshipper on here that God is calling out. God is calling forth this worshipper to worship with flags as well. They are in the beginning stage uncertain if God is calling them to flag worship. Seeing your worship God will use you as His instrument to make it ever so clear the calling that He is bring forth this worshipper. I believe I heard the name Michele but uncertain so I'm stepping out in faith. God is calling this worshipper out, calling them forth to the forefront for He is calling them for such a time as this. This act of obedience will bear double fruitiness, in your life and in the proceeding worshipper that God is calling out in this hour.
New comment Jun 23
4 likes ā€¢ Jun 22
Just danced and worshiped in my room in Malaysia. actually brought flags to Malaysia where I am now. :) will bring it to Japan too.
0 likes ā€¢ Jun 23
@Andrea Johanson oh thank you! šŸ™ā¤ļø
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Ruth Saw
40points to level up
Hello! I'm Ruth Saw from Singapore. I'm an author and a corporate trainer. I want to be a Kingdom bridge/prophetic voice in the marketplace. :)

Active 3d ago
Joined Jul 17, 2024
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