Train Trip Dream
Hello Prophetic Family, I had this dream in June that terrified me. I have a feeling of what it means, partly, but if the Lord gives you an interpretation of it, I would appreciate you sharing it.
We (me & my 8 children) were all traveling by train to a far away destination that was not very clear to me. It seemed that it had to be about 12 hours away.
At one point I wanted to go check the name of the train station we arrived at and it dawned on me that that probably was our destination, but it was sooooo much sooner than we expected. The station was called The Pirates Cove. (At that moment in my dream it didn’t have any significance).
Panicky, I looked around to gather all my children, (never mind our belongings), to get off the train as quickly as possible. But I only found my oldest son with my 3 youngest. And I asked him where everyone else was. Because of the long trip, he allowed them to go to other train cars, to the food/restaurant car, to the entertainment car and thus we were separated. In my horror, I yelled at him: Why did you allow them to go? Didn’t you know that not the entire train goes to the destination and that different train cars are left (behind) in different stations???
And with this I woke up.
context: All my children follow the Lord.
At the end of June I got water baptized.
In July and August one of my 4 children “missing”-in the dream was baptized in water and another one was baptized with the Holy Spirit.
🧞‍♂️ 3 of them are now going to another church, (I would say good, but definitely not so much on fire for the Lord as the church we attend).
My interpretation: Right after the dream I felt that not all of my children will have the same spiritual maturity. But if I am wrong, please tell me. I welcome any correction.
Cristina Miu
Train Trip Dream
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