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The Shogun Method - Deal done from very first email sent!
So I sent my first Shogun Method email out to a list owner and here we are with the first deal done! He only has a small list of 3,000, but after his first reply asking about how much I was prepared to pay, I used (virtually copy and pasted) the 2nd email template from the Shogun Method to reply and we have a deal at the price HE suggested. 3 separate ads in his weekly newsletter. Total cost for 3 ads to his 3k subscribers?... $50 bucks! Hmmm. Reckon I might use the Shogun Method a LOT more! Thanks @Travis Sago
New comment 20h ago
I just licensed a webinar in 8 lines in a DM
I only hit return 8 times in FB messenger. And got licensing rights to a webinar with NO MONEY upfront. 👍 You can license any IP. Doesn't mean you should, but you can. I just licensed a fantastic webinar that will help me sell my stuff. (Marketing/sales IP is some of my fave to license!) Now... This fella and I have done deals in the past. (He's also a Rockstar.) But... I betcha you KNOW peeps with stuff you could license? or maybe you've got IP that they could license. What I'm tryna say is... It doesn't have to be difficult. This fella did a webinar and peeps were going ape shit over it. I was about halfway thru the recording when I DMd him... 🕝At 6:56 AM 👉"Hey dude! I haven't finished it yet, but I see why they are going ape shit!" 👉"Could I license it from you?" (See pic in post. I'm blue. He is gray.) Not hard, right? His response was, "OF COURSE!" Now... When I do this with someone who doesn't know me or licensing well... The most common response is... "I'm not sure. What did you have in mind?" And then I sent him 6 more lines... 🕖At 7:18 PM the same evening, he messages me: 👉"Howdy! I've been doing the moving thing so I just saw this. I'M IN! Sounds dreamy to me!" Now, I've got a great asset! 👉I will cash flow it for a few thousand dollars every month. Would you like the other 6 lines? And a little case study with all the deal details? 🫵Just comment GIMME! 🫵 If I get 50 comments give or take... I'll make it happen. If not... I'll just go do more deals:-) Rooting For Ya, Travis PS This stuff is all in the New Money from Old Courses Training. I used the B.A.D.(Build a Deal) Method. This is the stuff that took me 20 years to figure out so I could do licensing deals in minutes. It's waiting for you to profit from too.
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New comment 10d ago
I just licensed a webinar in 8 lines in a DM
Just signed a licensing deal in Germany:-)
I’m just a boy from Arkansas. It pleases me to no end that Phoneless Sales Machine will be taught in German speaking countries! I’ve sold my stuff to over 78+ different countries over the last 20 years…much due to licensing mojo. It’s never cost me a penny out of my pocket. The recurring royalties and reach is more than I could’ve ever imagined. If you’ve got something that changes lives in some way, large or small, and want to impact the world, but don’t have a huge advertising budget… 👉 Package up your brilliance. 👉 Find a licensee and let them rent it for royalties. (Where do you find them? TIP: My German licensee is a customer. Your past customers are the easiest deals to make.) 👉 Don’t do an exclusive agreement until you’ve got a few deals under your belt. Non-exclusive is super safe. 👉 Base your royalty percentage off how much help and support you want/need to give them to get rolling. I only do deals where I don’t need to do much support at all…so I usually do deals between 10% to 25% of gross sales. 👉 Repeat until rich and you’re known all over the world 😆 Thank you for letting me celebrate with you! Questions? Rooting for Ya, Travis
New comment 14d ago
Just signed a licensing deal in Germany:-)
UPDATE 1: My first deal as a “licensing agent”
Just a short update to the original post here: My first deal as a “licensing agent” Over the past weekend, the store brand owner (distributor) wrote up some product page copy to sell the pdf guide. Then we realized we needed some partially blurred out product images to go on the page too. I produced those myself easily enough in Canva using the blur tool available in the free version. I’m no graphic designer by any means. But he’s happy how they came out, so we’re rolling with ‘em. Today, fingers crossed he has the time 🤞 he’ll add everything in and do a test sale to test the delivery mechanism. And double fingers crossed 🤞🤞 delivery goes smooth and we’ll be up and running. A couple things I’ve realized so far going through this process. Travis has been known to mention that for every minute you make someone think about something, it can add days or weeks for it to get done. Many times it leads to a dead deal. Luckily the dead part 😵 isn’t the case here, but I believe there’s probably some things I might have done differently to expedite everything. Our partners are super busy people, so anywhere I can take things off their plate might save days/weeks of delay. One being… I might have offered to draft up the product page copy and take that off the store brand partner’s plate. Another that I still might do is to draft up a sales email or two for him to send his current and past customers. Curious if you can think of any others I could have, or might still, apply?
New comment 16d ago
UPDATE 1: My first deal as a “licensing agent”
My first deal as a “licensing agent”
Two things I learned from Travis about structuring licensing deals… 1. you can come about it from a thousand and one ways, and 2. you can make up your own rules as long as everyone agrees This is a little breakdown of what I did as a licensing agent, or “connector hat” as I sometimes call ‘em, to put my first deal together. BTW this is by no means a perfect example. Far from it. But thought I’d share to show how one country bumpkin from Arkansas was able to still make it happen using what Travis teaches in this group. I took on the licensing agent role because I like being a connector. Don’t really have my own proven IP. And really enjoy uncovering NEERs for distribution opportunities. 🔑 So here’s the key points... Originally I reached out to a guy on twitter to see if had the value bombs he was doling out freely over there packaged up into a course. If he did I wanted to license it out. He didn’t. But I remembered Travis’ sheik and luxury car dealership story and what he said to do if you’re just starting out - ** Get control of distribution first. Then it’s easier to source a product fit. ** The aforementioned value 💣's the guy shares is about driving traffic to his ecomm stores. He’s shared numbers before so I knew it was a safe bet he gets a good amount of traffic and customers. So I asked him if he ever wanted a digital product to offer his customers I could probably source something through my network (network being all you peeps in this group). He replied back a yes to that with the name of one his store brands that he could use a digital product for (see the msg pic1 attached). This brand sells handheld hidden camera detectors. We hopped on a call to explore what digital IP would make a good fit. One of the ideas that came out of that call was a security guide for travelers pdf. Preferably by a security authority figure. Funny enough although I made a post here in the group to source a product and received some great ideas, I actually stumbled on an IP partner through happenstance.
New comment 21d ago
My first deal as a “licensing agent”
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