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🔥FiNaL NoTiCe!
This is it... Travis here... The Furious Lady sings at 3 pm TODAY... Get in before she starts to yodel and... You're entitled to FOUR bonuses... (Just added the biggest, baddest bonus of them all!🔥) 👉👉👉All yours for sharing Make Em Beg to Buy with your friends. You'll look like a hero to five of your friends. +++ Get... The mojo to get $10 of traffic for $1 off market with the Shogun Trafffic Method... And four gifts below before 3 pm: 👉 $200 Mojo Bux - Invest it in any future mojo programs. 👉 🔥🔥🔥The Chat GPT Shogun Bonus:🔥🔥🔥 How I use Chat GPT to find off-market traffic partners. In minutes, I get their name, email, phone numbers, snail mails and more. I can copy and paste right into a Google Sheet or Excel file. This saves me hours of Googling! Your Chat GPT Shogun Bonus will save you hours and hours of boring azz research! 👉 Get Buyers Free Bonus: In 2006 I accidentally stumbled on how to build a BUYERS lists in any niche. I never have to pay a dime. I just make one simple trade that costs me nothing. I still use this breakthrough to this day. I just added 162 buyers to my list last month. (In fact, I get PAID most of the time when I do this.) - I lay out exactly what I do to build my buyers list with no money out of my pocket. Now, anyone can start getting BUYERS for FREE when they go Shogun before 3 pm today... Make sure you sink your teeth into it this weekend! And the BIGGEST AND BADDEST OF THEM ALL: 👉 Get People to Promote You and Grow Your Audience It's surprisingly simple to get people to promote your products, groups, communities, books, grow your lists and more.
New comment 2d ago
🔥FiNaL NoTiCe!
The Shogun Method - Deal done from very first email sent!
So I sent my first Shogun Method email out to a list owner and here we are with the first deal done! He only has a small list of 3,000, but after his first reply asking about how much I was prepared to pay, I used (virtually copy and pasted) the 2nd email template from the Shogun Method to reply and we have a deal at the price HE suggested. 3 separate ads in his weekly newsletter. Total cost for 3 ads to his 3k subscribers?... $50 bucks! Hmmm. Reckon I might use the Shogun Method a LOT more! Thanks @Travis Sago
New comment 15h ago
Welcome Royalty Rockstar! Start Here!
Howdy Rockstar! I'm thrilled to see ya! If you're a course creator, coach, digital marketer or expert... With courses, books, digital programs or just valuable EXPERIENCE... I've discovered the best investment in the world is CONTENT I control and produce. Our goal here is to... 🥇Turn your courses, content and coaching experience into an investment portfolio that sends you royalty checks for life. We have a toolbox of tools to take your content and turn it into cash flow. One of our handiest tools is licensing. It's like the electric guitar in our rock band. New to licensing for royalties? No sweat. I'll walk you thru... You can turn your "old hit" courses, content, programs and any intellectual property into recurring royalties and more fans too! I'm rolling up my sleeves to share... ...the next level of financial leverage for coaches, course creators, consultants and true experts who want to UNCLOG their calendars, STOP trading their time for money and would love to: - Stack long-term and DEPENDABLE Recurring royalties - Generate Buyers Leads FREE! - Automate Sales and NEW customers around the world. - Reach Brand New Markets (without ads or more content creation) All by repurposing your content... ... and making it EASY for other businesses to license your hit content and IP you've already created and own! If there's a faster and easier way to bolt on 8 figures in royalties, I don't know what it is! Because... If we set it up correctly and choose the right licensees, our licensees do all (or most) of the selling for us. We get brand-new leads, customers and royalties like clockwork without the wheels coming off our business and lives. We often close 5- and 6-figure licensing deals in DMs in less than 15 minutes. I'd love to hear from you. Please introduce yourself! When you do, you unlock your first courses in the classroom... ===>Turn OLD COURSES into NEW MONEY
Complete action
New comment Aug 12
Welcome Royalty Rockstar! Start Here!
Licensing Agent VS. Real Estate Agent
Travis just shared how he’s licensing PSM in Germany. @Eric Bakey asked a great question in the comments, in which Travis replied a great answer, which inspired me to ask AI to list some fun advantages of licensing vs real estate. Here’s what it gave me… A heads up, I sense its bias in the answers and in no way did I prompt it that way 😆 Ok, maybe a just a tad. No offense meant to any RE agents in the group. 1. Infinite inventory - It's like having a magic Xerox machine for houses! You can rent out the same digital property multiple times. 2. No physical maintenance required - No more cleaning up messes or fixing broken stuff. These houses exist in digi land! 3. Higher commissions - You get a bigger slice of the money pie. Typically 30-50% of royalties vs. 5-6% on property sales. 4. Global reach - Not limited to local area. It's like having a teleporter that zaps you anywhere in the world to make awesome deals! 5. Lower barrier to entry - No licensing exams or courses required. You just need to be good at striking up conversations and making deals, like trading baseball or pokemon cards. 6. Easier scalability - You can handle tons of deals without getting super tired. 7. Greater passive income potential - Money keeps coming in even when you're sleeping or playing video games. Royalties can continue for years with little additional work. Make money while you sleep, just like those late-night infomercials promised. 8. Flexibility - You can work from the beach or your treehouse if you want to. Ditch the cubicle farm. 9. No need for large upfront investments - You don't need to break your piggy bank to start. Your brain is your best tool! 10. Opportunity to work with diverse types of intellectual property - You get to play with all sorts of cool ideas, like a treasure chest full of different toys. 11. Potential to create your own IP in the process - Sometimes you might even invent your own cool stuff while working. It's like building with LEGO!
New comment 7m ago
 Licensing Agent VS. Real Estate Agent
Facebook Page with over 3 MM Followers - How to Monetize?
I met a guy who has a FB page with a massive following. The niche is not commercial in any way. (It a history page) He is looking for ways to monetize the page beyond what FB pays him for ads. His idea was to create a coffee brand but I told him he is better off reaching out to active followers and asking them what they would buy if he offered it. Any ideas?
New comment 3h ago
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A.I. Royalty Rockstars
Turn your courses, content and coaching (life) experience into an investment portfolio that sends you royalty checks for life.
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