Promise made, promise kept – Why follow-through matters in sales
Had a call with a prospective client yesterday.
Wrapped up the call by promising to send a detailed recap email before end of day (after my gym session of course). 💪
Guess what I did?
Exactly what I said I was going to do.
When I got back from the gym, I put together an awesome recap email and hit send.
His response?
"Thanks again for your quick responses and professionalism. I was stoked to find this email here earlier today. I'm sure you can relate to the frustration when 'I'll send this over to you today' actually means days later for a shockingly high number of people."
It's amazing how something as simple as following through on your promises can leave a lasting impression. This response from the (prospective) client is a perfect example of why it's so important to always follow through on our commitments, whether in business or in life.
Not only does it show professionalism and reliability, but it also sets us apart from those who make empty promises and fail to deliver.
So let's all take a lesson from this and remember that actions speak louder than words.
  • Ever promised your prospect a proposal by a specific date?
  • Ever told them you'd send an email by end of day?
  • Ever said you'd get them an answer to a burning question?
Next time you tell your prospect (or customer) you're going to do something, DO IT.
Drop an emoji below if you're committed to delivering on your promises. 👇
Vinnie Hecht
Promise made, promise kept – Why follow-through matters in sales
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