20 Minutes A Day!
I've been struggling to get in my daily workouts lately and it has started telling on my general physical well-being. I am well aware that ranting without action is simply a fool's errand that gets you nowhere, so today I decided to jump on the treadmill immediately I came in from school run, determined to run for 20 mins exactly, (micro win) to enable me get ready in time for work.
Now why was this difficult for me before now? I had formed a habit of spending extra time in bed doing practically nothing but scroll through social media or have endless conversations with my husband until I find myself in a hurry to get ready for work. I consciously ended this bad habit today and I'm making this post hoping that someone else commits to ending one bad habit they've previously indulged in by tomorrow morning. This is accountability, let's walk the talk! Who's with me?
Obioma Ihionu
20 Minutes A Day!
The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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