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Wellness Wednesday (Courtney) is happening in 5 days
(Take 1 min to read this entire post so you can UNLOCK all our resources) First of all... We're thrilled that you found your way here... to the #1 FREE Skool Community for Growth-Seeking Individuals, Helpers, and Coaches, who are ready to deepen their practice, reconnect with their bodies, and build a thriving, purpose-driven life and business. In case we haven't met yet, here’s what you should know about us: 🧘 We've shared this method with 1000's of leaders, and teams at companies like Google, Snapchat, Pixar/Disney, and Apple, while supporting 100+ coaches and healers in transforming their practices through somatic approaches and mind-body integration. 🧘 We've worked alongside some of the most respected experts in the fields of somatic healing and coaching, learning these methods. Hint: We've been behind the scenes with some of the most impactful teachers you've likely heard of 😉 🧘 And today, we’re here to help you build a life that feels aligned, fulfilling, and deeply connected—without the overwhelm. Our goal is to make this Free Community more valuable than the last paid program you joined. We’re committed to creating a space where people truly engage, support each other, and grow together. So welcome to the community, and thank you for being a vital part of it. Your growth and transformation won’t just come from consuming content—it will come from engaging, asking questions, and getting into INSPIRED ACTION! To unlock the Courses & Resources, take these 3 Initial Action Steps: ✅ Step #1: COMMENT "READY!" ON THIS POST ✅ Step #2: INTRODUCE YOURSELF HERE ✅ Step #3: ATTEND YOUR FIRST SESSION WELCOME TO THE SOMATIC COACHING COMMUNITY! Take these first 3 Action Steps, and start your journey toward deeper connection and growth. We’re excited to support you. Welcome aboard, @Matthew Cooke & The Somatic Coaching Team
New comment 24d ago
🤔 How To Use This Group💡
// Here's how to get help & support in The Community // 1. SESSIONS + WORKSHOPS 🎥 Our sessions + workshops are the foundation of your success. We continuously update and create new content in our Classrooms, offering short, actionable sessions and workshops to help you gain momentum and learn through doing, receiving feedback, and improving through experience. ============================= 2. WEEKLY SESSIONS 📅 You have access to group somatic coaching sessions each week, designed to help you feel clear, and focused, and ensure you’re getting results in all areas of life. The schedule for all the calls - including their links - are in the calendar section above, and all replays are stored HERE. ============================= 3. HOW TO POST 📬 When posting content, choose a category to help members filter their feed. Use brackets in the TITLE of your post to indicate the type of post: 1. [Ask] - Request advice, tips, or insights on a challenge or decision. 2. [Win] - Share your accomplishments, big or small, and be celebrated. 3. [Props] - Highlight another member who has helped you. ============================= 4. THIS COMMUNITY 💚 Built on excellence and generosity, this community thrives on shared wins and lessons. The quickest way to get support, feedback, and advice is to post in the group (following the framework above). ============================= 5. COACHING ⚡ Your community coaches are @Courtney Kitt, @Kaitlyn Pintor, @Rachel Daley and @Matthew Cooke. We are here to keep things simple and clear, so you can get results fast. Your relationship with your coaches includes weekly community coaching sessions and additional support within the community. When in doubt, message your coach here in Skool, and we’ll direct you to the right place.
💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself 💎
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I'll go first... #1. Hi friends. My name is Matthew Cooke, from Boulder, Colorado. We certify coaches, and mental health professionals to add a somatic or nervous system tool to their business, called Body-Based Breakthrough. Simultaneously helping them get "unstuck" professionally, as well as personally if they experience anxiety, imposter syndrome or burnout. We use a combination of breathwork, moving meditation, journaling and coaching. We teach it, and certify our trauma-informed practitioners over a 3-month period. #2. I want to connect with new friends, I want to serve our existing clients and I want to help people expand their impact, their belief in themselves and about what is possible in terms of generating cash flow and I want to have a ton of fun! #3. I like to hang by our creek here in Boulder, hike mountains, nerd out about the nervous system, read books about it, and go to coffee shops. I also love me some yoga. #4 - I love my space...but probably my favorite is working on the ground right behind this station...I love moving throughout the day...
New comment 24d ago
💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself 💎
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Somatic Coaching Community
A community of humans, helpers and coaches. Deepen your practice, take inspired action + connect with others about holistic wellness.
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