Welcome to Part 1 of the ‘Strong, Sexy, and Effortless’ course!
I’ll share the 5 biggest mistakes stopping women from achieving a strong, sexy feminine physique.
The mistake I want to talk about today is something I bring up all the time.
Because it’s probably STILL keeping thousands if not millions of women stuck in an unhappy body 😣
Too much cardio and not enough weight lifting.
And I get it. You’ve been told over and over that cardio is the key to losing fat.
But even though I’ve been repeating myself hundreds of times to the world saying:
There are still soooo many women who are still doing WAY too much cardio and barely lifting weights.
Or worse 😮 They do lift weights, but it’s just a couple of sets here and there.
Wasting time doing ‘death by mini band’...Thinking a real gym session is getting a booty pump on the mats 🤦
That’s not enough if you’re serious about achieving a toned, sexy body giving you undeniable confidence.
And here’s why:
When you do too much cardio and not enough weight lifting your body burns through muscles as fuel.
So what’s the result of less muscle?
You might notice…
❌ Your arms are smaller but lack any real definition
❌ Your midsection may slim down, but it feels more squishy than tight.
❌ Your glutes feel flatter, not round and firm.
I know that’s NOT the look you’re after. I know because I made the exact same mistake 😕
When I started out, I thought the only way to lose fat was to hit the treadmill for hours and hours. But all it did was leave me looking tired, drained, and... skinny fat.
I still couldn’t stand to see myself in the mirror even though I lost some weight.
So, if you want to avoid the “skinny fat” trap, start prioritising those weights 🏋️
Trust me, lifting weights is far more fun and empowering than spending hours on the treadmill 😉
Drop any emoji below if you found this helpful 👇🏻
See you in part 2 tomorrow x
Emily Hackett
Welcome to Part 1 of the ‘Strong, Sexy, and Effortless’ course!
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