Welcome to Part 4 of the ‘Strong, Sexy, and Effortless’ program! 💪
This is the obstacle MOST women face:
Where to start in the gym.
Or more precisely… which exercise plan gets you the BEST results, the FASTEST.
With all the TikTok workout plans, you’re probably more confused than ever 🤣
So, here’s your 4-step Beginner Gym Girl Guide to real results 🥰👇
Step 1: Stop speed-dating your workouts Stick to the same routine for 4-6 weeks to let your muscles adapt and grow. Sexy physique = consistency 💕
Step 2: The “hourglass” physique approach Want bigger glutes and a smaller waist? Train your upper body too! It helps create the illusion of a smaller waist and fuller glutes. 💃
Step 3: Compound over Isolation Isolation exercises (like hamstring curls, glute kickbacks) only work one small muscle. Compound exercises (like deadlifts, hip thrusts) hit multiple muscles at once, building more muscle and burning more fat.
Prioritize compound exercises for quicker results. 🏋️‍♀️
Step 4: The “more = more” concept Increase your weights over time to grow stronger and see more defined muscles. Progressive overload = serious gains! 🏋️‍♀️
So leave those 1 lbs dumbbells behind and start lifting like a boss with proper weight to see proper results.
That’s the 4-step Gym Girl Guide in a nutshell
Tomorrow we’ll wrap up the ‘Strong, Sexy, and Effortless’ program with the final and most important step.
You won’t want to miss it! 😉
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Emily Hackett
Welcome to Part 4 of the ‘Strong, Sexy, and Effortless’ program! 💪
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