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Road to 45CM arms
Hey Skool fam! I've got a little confession to make – throughout my entire fitness journey, I've always been that guy who leaves arms for last on upper body days. You know the drill: chest, back, shoulders, and then, if I had any gas left in the tank, I'd throw in some curls and tricep pushdowns. Sound familiar to anyone? I've decided to start my upper body workouts with arms. They are my main focus (as well as delts) to grow this bulk. My goal is to get 45cm arms. Normally I give the advice that you should start with compound exercises and THEN work your way to isolation movements. I still stand behind that for beginners, but since I'm lifting for +-8 years now, I'm trying different things. There's a good reason why I'll start with arms. The exercises you do first in your workout get the most stimulus. You're obviously fresh in the beginning of your workout. You're able to push yourself harder. So, by hitting arms when I'm fresh, I'm giving them the VIP treatment they deserve. I already was going ham on my biceps and triceps at the end of my workout. Now I'm going ham at it at the beginning. I'm excited to see how this change impacts my arm growth over the next few months. One downside is that I was struggling with back and chest since my arms were already fatiqued. 😂 On the upside, that means that I really have to focus on moving the weight my chest/back instead of arms. Controlled weight > heavy ego lifting. Has anyone else tried prioritizing a lagging body part by training it first? What were your results? Let me know in the comments!
Road to 45CM arms
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