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Mondays coffee chats is happening in 3 days
(Start here) Welcome to The Shape Up Academy
Steve here, I am delighted to have you onboard and very happy to see that you are ready toΒ finally lose the weight &Β transform for good? The Shape Up Academy is transforming bodies & lives by starting with your mindset. Getting to the root cause of why your not in the best shape of your life and staying that way in just 12 weeks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a short summary of what's ahead and how to get started. * Every 14 days you will unlock a new training. It will have 1 key lifestyle rule/habit to focus on and form. These are chosen for a reason in an order that is proven to work to change you for the better. *You also weigh in every Monday morning when you wake (lets say 7am or whatever suits you), after you go to the bathroom, before eating and drinking. The same conditions and time each week. (put this in as a recurring reminder in your phone now, its a great habit to build) It's just a number for us to get info so no need to be upset or concerned about it. Our weight fluctuates and can drop fast then stagnate for many reasons. What matters is the long term average drop and overall health improvements not just weight dropping. More on this later. *Support calls- Thursdays at 6pm you can join our support meeting here Check your calendar in this app and stick it in your reminders. - Bonus: You can earn points on the leader board, the more you post proof of you taking action on your goals the more you get. You can post daily photos of what your doing to be better and you will unlock levels on the leader board. Photos of you on your walk, or eating healthier meals. If you post on social media tag me @TheShapeUpAcademy - Go from Rookie to Olympian. This makes it fun and competitive. You can see your points and status level by clicking on your profile avatar >>HERE<<, and you can see your position on the Leader board.
Sunday workout πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻
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The Shape Up Academy
We are transforming bodies & lives by starting with your mindset. Getting to the root cause of why your not in the best shape of your life. Lets go.
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