How to Sell Without Being Sleazy 🛠️
Think Like a Consultant, Not a Salesman Ask questions to understand their problem. Assess if you’re the right solution—sometimes, you’re not, and that’s okay.
Listen More Than You Speak Use the 80/20 principle: let them do most of the talking. Your questions should guide them to discover their true needs and goals.
Don’t Get Too Attached to the Outcome Focus on helping them make the right decision, even if it means recommending a different option. It’s about them, not you.
Be Their Friend Treat your potential client like a buddy you’re trying to help. It takes the pressure off and leads to the right questions.
Got more tips? Drop them in the comments! 👇
#SellWithIntegrity #ConsultativeSelling #ContractorLife #BuilderJourney #HomeServicePros #ClientFirstApproach #BuildTrust
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Jay Carter
How to Sell Without Being Sleazy 🛠️
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