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CRM - Support Group is happening in 6 hours
Peaks and valleys of the week:
Valley: The crew flooded a condo by accident. Sprinkler burst (nobody was in the room when it happened) and there was a lot of water, and when i say a lot, I mean a lot. It was luckily on the main floor and the unit didn't have any flooring, just bare concrete. So the damages are not too bad. Had to buy 18 new fans to dry everything out since all out other equipment is tied up in another flood which happened Saturday (that one was caused by a renter). Peak: we were supposed to do a job over the weekend. We got a day early access. The lead guy was determined to get it done today since he did not want to work on the weekend. He said he will work as long as it takes, even if it means he is done at 2 in the morning. They knocked it out of the park and finished before 7pm. The job was quoted 100 % as after hours job (basically 1.5x regular pay). They did finish the job faster. Job costing isn't done yet but looks as we will be close to a 50% net profit on it.
New comment Jun 15
Day one.
Just left my day job. Working for myself from now on.
New comment May 31
Day one.
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