Advertorial > Email Capture vs Capture phone no++
I'm going to run a test in the coming days to attempt to improve lead quality from my Advertorial.
Currently, I run cold Facebook traffic to a single page advertorial and on the advertorial there is a "calculator" lead capture set up with Leadshook.
The client enters ALL of their details including their address, phone number, email and info to get their property calculation.
Only once they enter everything, do they get their calculation.
They also have to agree to receive a call from an adviser upon entering their phone number.
This has largely worked really well for me for years at this point, with minimal need to update copy or funnels.
But the quality has been slipping a lot lately so I need to test something different.
My idea/plan is to test the same advertorial funnel but removing phone number requirement as well as address etc.
Only taking the details needed for the calculation and email.
Following that, I will provide the calculation instantly BUT also then offer the call from the adviser (need a good no brainer reason for them to go for this) and have a drip feed campaign to follow up via email to provide useful info and keep asking them to opt in for the call.
My assumption is that the conversion rate when only asking for email will dramatically increase and anyone who takes the extra step to request the call will be a "hot lead" and extremely engaged/interested.
Any thoughts or ideas welcome :)
Nick Ferrara
Advertorial > Email Capture vs Capture phone no++
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