The 'how does it make you feel question'
I've been really focusing on pain funneling and the emotional grinder lately. how long has it been a problem, what have you done to fix it, did it work etc. So far I've neglected the 'how does that make you feel question. To be honest I was a bit nervous to pull it off because of how the prospect may react.
Asked it yesterday and the results were great. Opened the prospect up so much. Told me he was 'really worried ' about his situation then went into the exact business reason why he was worried. They might lose an entire income stream if nothing changes. Closing for the meeting was so easy after that. I think the beauty of those questions is they open people up so much they're like 5 questions in one.
Anyone else have any similar experiences where they've pulled off a question and it has just 'clicked' i.e you see exactly why it is taught?
Adam Wise
The 'how does it make you feel question'
the hang up.
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