Welcome to the Preparedness School, everyone! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Chris. I started this school to make basic preparedness information accessible to everyone who worries about current or future events.
This month, I'm offering a free class on preparedness basics, which I'll be adding courses to all month. This class will cover everything you need to know to identify, plan, and develop a preparedness strategy that fits your personal situation.
I'll also be giving away free stuff all month to members!
The first video will be uploaded in just a few minutes. Notes will be attached so you can follow along and answer some of the critical questions you need.
I am looking forward to all the comments, feedback, and conversations we will have as we build this community together!
Go Train! Your tribe needs you.
Christopher Christensen
Get Prepared Tribe
Prepared Today, Thrive Tomorrow- emergency preparedness, disaster planning, long term survival, being self-sufficient, and personal development.
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