How I Went From 0 โ€”> 2.8k MEMBERS At 15y/o
I am 15 years old and have grown my skool community to 2.8k members with no previous audience or following.
I've also made over $5,000 on skool in the last 2 months.
I've built a free community of over 2.8k members and you can too.
With the strategies & tactics that I am going to lay out in the post, you'll be able to do the exact same to build out a LEGENDARY skool community.
The common misconception everyone has is "ohh, you need an audience to grow on skool" "ohh, you can a large following to grow a free community"
Does the guy you're taking advice from have over 3k members in this free community. Has he made over 5k on skool?
Chances are, they probably haven't.
So why are you taking advice from someone who you don't aspire to be like.
It's the same with me asking a footballer for advice on how to cook.
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It sounds pretty simple doesn't it? 3 words.
It's so simple yet so many people overcomplicate it.
They say niche down, some people say target a broader audience, blah blah blah.
They tell you so much shit that you don't even know what you want to do.
It was 6 months ago, and I was number 1 on a community called Adonis Gang.
Aaron (business partner) reached out to me and wanted us to start a skool community. Then we started our community.
The thing was, our niche was self-improvement and business. (There are many sub niches inside of self improvement)
But the thing was, we loved talking about self-improvement and business.
However, when we opened up the paid community, barely anyone joined.
The reason...
We weren't specific with our ICP.
I thank Dustin & Luca for providing my clarity on this.
The more you can niche down, the better, but not tooooo much.
If I knew this before I started the community, who knows how much more money I would be making.
But the thing is. I make the mistakes, then I teach them to you guys so you don't make the mistakes I did. I genuinely want you to be successful, and run a profitable skool community.
There's I quote that I love:
"'A smart person learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others"
Learn from my mistakes.
After all the mistakes I made in finding my niche, I have boiled it down to 2 main things.
  • What you're interested in
  • What you can talk/write non-stop about
This is phase 1 of finding your niche.
I was scrolling across youtube, looking for a youtube video to watch and there came one from 'Dan Koe.' It was the power of writing (not the actual video name).
This video literally opened me up to a new universe. He told me that you can make money off anything that you're interested in, and can write about.
To sum it all up.
Do you like the niche you've picked?
Can you write a post on it every single day.
If the answer is NO, then you may have to rethink your niche.
Now, I congratulate you on making it past phase 1 of finding your niche.
The next phase is:
1.1 Finding What The Market Needs
At the end of the day, you're making money off helping other people. If you don't care about others and don't want to help them, get the f*** of this post.
You are creating a product for the market. Not for yourself.
I am going to outline a 5-step process to conduct market research:
  • Join as many skool communities in your niche
  • Interact with those communities
  • Text with your target niche avatar
  • Jump on a call with them
  • Repeat
If you didn't understand that process. Let me summarise it for you.
I want you to join as many skool communities, facebook groups, discord servers that are in your niche or relating to it.
Start engaging with the community, providing people value, commenting, liking, making posts. This is going to establish your trust with the other person.
Once you've built that trust, start reaching out to people, start conversations with them. Ask them questions.
This will help you get to know your market better so when you create the product, it will be 100% tailored towards them and have everything they need to get results.
Now, messaging them is phase 1 of market research.
If you want to accelerate it, then I recommend hopping on calls with them as it's more convenient when you ask questions, and also get more complicated and detailed responses.
There's this one trick that I love using, and this one trick paired along with another tool made each call that I conducted for market research pure gold.
It helped me understand the call better, understand the responses of the other person, and summarise all of it, so in step 2, everything is so much easier.
Now we've built out our niche. We need to have a "Grand Slam Offer"
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The offer is the most crucial part of the entire process. It will literally decide if you make $100 or $10,000.
Take this seriously.
Now, using the small little trick from step 1 when we conducted those market research calls, I put all the information into ChatGPT and give it a few prompts. Here is exactly what I do.
2.1 Build a market research automation on GPT
I want you to create a new chat on GPT and name is 'Market Research Automation'
I want you to tell the AI as much information about what you are doing. All your findings from your niche, and all the calls you've been on.
Here's how I want you to structure it:
  • Tell the AI your niche and what info you are going to give it
  • Put 1 transcript at a time into GPT (tell it to reply with 'DONE' once it's processed the info, then put the next one in) *You need to have jumped on at least 5 calls for this to work properly
  • Follow the next steps
2.2 Dream outcome of niche
Using the information that you have given GPT, it should've processed all of it.
Now, the first thing when building an offer is to understand the dream outcome of your ICP.
ICP stands for = Ideal Customer Profile
Basically means your target avatar (who the product is for)
When you target someone's dreams, and tell them you are going to accelerate the speed at which they reach their dreams at, then they'll be more inclined to buy as it gives them a reason.
Imagine this.
Offer 1 talks about how the product will make you more money, and the features they have inside. They keep yapping about the features, and how they will make you money.
Offer 2 talks more about your dream outcome, the $10k/month lifestyle, the yacht, the freedom. It barely talks about the features of the product, and more about the end results.
Which offer are you more inclined to buying from?
Of course, it's offer 2.
The reason for this is simple.
They're guaranteeing you the end results. No one gives a shit how they get there, they just want to get there.
There is one thing to bear in mind in this step.
You don't want to overexaggerate the dream outcome to the point where it seems 'too good to be true' or 'unreal'
2.2 Problems they face getting there
Once we've identified the dream outcome that you're going to promise to the viewer.
You now need to find out what they're struggling with, what roadblocks they may face and/or facing now that is preventing them from reaching that dream outcome.
Again, after putting all the info into the GPT automation, you should have a few problems which you can target.
Once you understand these problems.
You can pull the trigger.
Start calling the viewer out for it.
They feel something inside themselves. They're insecurities may be coming out, they're the deepest regrets, fears. You are calling them out for each one.
This will 10x the likelihood that they will purchase your solution.
2.3 Solutions to each one of those problems
Once you've understood the problems. There's no point if you're not going to solve them.
So know you need to come up with a solution to each one of these problems.
You can either:
  • Use AI
  • Use your brain
2.4 How you are going to deliver the solution
You should've by now, given enough info to the AI.
It should easily now who you're target ICP is, and what you are solving.
Now there's only one thing left.
How you are going to deliver the solution.
Is it through:
  • Skool community
  • Whatsapp
  • Zooms/Google meets
  • Courses
Understand how you're going to deliver the solution and break it down in detail.
Plan out what to write in the courses, the value inside the calls, the posts you will make.
The more detail.
The more MONEY.
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You've successfully built out your niche, and your offer, as well as how you're going to deliver the solution.
Now it's time for the big launch.
There are a few things that you must do before the big launch.
3.1 The pre-sale
This is arguably one of the most important steps in launching your community.
If you have a social media account and are making content on it, AMAZING.
If not...
Don't worry.
I want you to build up a waitlist of 50 members before you actually launch the community.
There's so many ways which you can build up the waitlist.
Building a waitlist is one of the highest leverage activities you can do.
This ensures:
  • The community is active
  • Enaged community
  • Qualified leadsย 
  • Induce scarcity/urgency
  • Value the product higher
Now, I built a waitlist as well before I launched my community, even though I didn't even know it was a pre-sale until I started writing this section of the post.
Then, once you've built up the waitlist to a certain amount of people, launch the community and invite every single member in.
You can choose to build a waitlist as well after you've launched the community, however, I don't think it's necessary.
3.2 Community branding
You need to find a way to make everything smooth and look good in the community.
The only way you'll be able to do that is through branding.
Look at every big community on the platform, they all have their own branding.
They have their own brand colours.
So make sure that you establish yours as well.
They should be visible in:
  • Logo
  • Banner
  • Courses
This will build a positive association from the viewer with your brand and will increase the likelihood of them remembering your brand.
3.2 Utilise Hormozi 1-day recordings
If there's 1 course that you need to take on growing your skool community.
You gussed it.
Hormozi 1-day Recordings.
Now, I haven't wateched much of them, but the amount of value which I've extracted is insane.
I would be paying thousands of dollars for this information.
I get it for free on top of my community.
If you've followed all the steps up till now, then you should've unlocked the recordings.
Go ahead and watch them and take action.
Now, if there's one thing that will make you succeed, it's:
If you remain true to this path.
And I know you will as you've read this whole post.
Then you will become successful.
"Life is a game of choices, I hope you make the right one"
- Muhammad Faizan
Muhammad Faizan
How I Went From 0 โ€”> 2.8k MEMBERS At 15y/o