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How I Went From 0 —> 2.8k MEMBERS At 15y/o
I am 15 years old and have grown my skool community to 2.8k members with no previous audience or following. I've also made over $5,000 on skool in the last 2 months. I've built a free community of over 2.8k members and you can too. With the strategies & tactics that I am going to lay out in the post, you'll be able to do the exact same to build out a LEGENDARY skool community. The common misconception everyone has is "ohh, you need an audience to grow on skool" "ohh, you can a large following to grow a free community" ALL OF THAT IS BS! Does the guy you're taking advice from have over 3k members in this free community. Has he made over 5k on skool? Chances are, they probably haven't. So why are you taking advice from someone who you don't aspire to be like. It's the same with me asking a footballer for advice on how to cook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗣 𝟭: 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗛𝗘 ______________________________ It sounds pretty simple doesn't it? 3 words. F-I-N-D Y-O-U-R N-I-C-H-E It's so simple yet so many people overcomplicate it. They say niche down, some people say target a broader audience, blah blah blah. They tell you so much shit that you don't even know what you want to do. It was 6 months ago, and I was number 1 on a community called Adonis Gang. Aaron (business partner) reached out to me and wanted us to start a skool community. Then we started our community. The thing was, our niche was self-improvement and business. (There are many sub niches inside of self improvement) But the thing was, we loved talking about self-improvement and business. However, when we opened up the paid community, barely anyone joined. The reason... We weren't specific with our ICP. I thank Dustin & Luca for providing my clarity on this. The more you can niche down, the better, but not tooooo much. If I knew this before I started the community, who knows how much more money I would be making.
How I Went From 0 —> 2.8k MEMBERS At 15y/o
Went from Single Digit to Double - 10 members on SKOOL 😄
What's your biggest or smallest win on Skool so far? 10 is not a big number. But it's a start! 10 also means momentum is building, 10 also means we are not alone, 10 means we are a COMMUNITY! A small result indeed. But the small results in the beginning mean a lot. What's your biggest or smallest win on Skool so far?
New comment 5d ago
Went from Single Digit to Double - 10 members on SKOOL 😄
Thanks so much mr
@Goose Dunlavey And then Anna Banani became Anna banamelon Big kiss
New comment 6d ago
Thanks so much mr
14 weeks of unplanned travel made possible by being a skool group owner
I literally love skool so much Before skool - Stuck - Didn't make money online - Didn't develop skills After Skool - Friends - Travel - $$ If you stay consistent EVERY day (doesn't really take a lot of effort actually) there is no limit to what is possible on skool
New comment 8d ago
🤩 We did it!!! First PAID members in Community & how we did it 💰
WOW! FINALLY the famous Cash Register Cha-Ching sound made an appearance in my Community!!!!!!!!!! 🤩 🚀 My first thought when I heard that sound was… wait WTF was that??? I had no clue where it came from 🤣 but I was like, wait, that’s the sound of MONEY!! Then it hit me… was that SKOOL!?!?! So I checked my Skool community and boom first transaction came in… Then after some time… boom another came! Screaming in the house begun and my wife came running in to celebrate! 🥳 Such mixed emotions 🥹... I was overwhelmed with JOY. So I instantly took some time to be grateful. 🙏🏼 This is just a reminder to NEVER give up on yourself, stay positive and be grateful always! What did I do to my Skool Funnel? Well... all I did was add a Video Sales Letter (VSL) with my face, like @Sam Ovens taught me back in Consulting Accelerator and Uplevel days. Then after a few days boom, two sales back to back! 🙏🏼 So thank you to @Goose Dunlavey for everything you do to help us succeed in business and in life! Literally, just observing and attending a few calls with you and the rest of the Captivate Offer family helped me adjust fire and keep pushing. I love watching how you operate and what you do; Thank you for being YOU. ✊🏼😎🤟🏼
New comment 9d ago
🤩 We did it!!! First PAID members in Community & how we did it 💰
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