What comes 1st? TRUST or VULNERABILITY
I think from speaking to quite a few next gen emerging entrepreneurs, leaders and people trying to find their authentic voice and build business that create positive impact,
Something I've noticed that leaders struggle with (that I have struggled with too is), how to raise your hand and ask for help?
Many of us are very eager to help someone. Which is a great starting point.
But many of us struggle to know when and how to ask for help.
Often when we are stuck in a rut, we tend to start isolating ourselves coz our first instinct isn't always who should I reach out to for help.
There is a lot of shame and guilt around feeling weak, expressing vulnerability and asking for help.
After a lot of work on myself of healing my traumas on my journey of business and life in general I've been learning from amazing mentors like Brene Brown that AUTHENTIC VULNERABILITY is actually a SUPER POWER.
But does VULNERABILITY come first or does TRUST come first?
According to Brene they both happen simultaneously.
Helping people to trust in others so that they can powerfully express their vulnerabilities in a 'safe space' is a game changer for human expression as a whole.
How are you choosing to raise your hand and ask for help?
How are you choosing to courageously trust or courageously be vulnerable in business and life in general?
Sheldon Rodrigues
What comes 1st? TRUST or VULNERABILITY