Learn to Copy to write first!
Don't know how to start writing your first thread?
Start copying.
This copying is not about “Plagiarism”.
It’s more like “Reverse Engineering”. __________________________________________________ “Reverse Engineering” is dissecting existing work to understand...
1. their structure
2. technique
3. underlying principle
In order to learn from them and apply those insights to your own work. __________________________________________________ How reverse engineering can work in practice:
(A) Seek out inspiration from
1. books
2. Blogs
3. Newsletters
4. Threads/Tweets
5. Etc…
Take one that stands out to you (or) you like most. __________________________________________________ (B) Break down components
Instead of simply admiring them,
Reverse engineer them by breaking down their components:
1. headlines
2. hook
3. call to action
4. content structure __________________________________________________ (C) Identify key elements that make the content effective,
Such as :
• unique angle
• emotional appeal
• value proposition __________________________________________________ Ask yourself why they stand out to you.
By studying what makes them effective,
You can apply similar strategies to your content creation. __________________________________________________ Remember: "Nothing is truly original".
We have to copy, copy, copy, and then we found our own style.
Thanks for reading :)
I hope this will help you or (some beginners) in some way. (Or not ;))
Wishing you the best.
Mya Leah
Learn to Copy to write first!
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