The Balancing Act: Navigating Email Deliverability Without Triggering Spam Filters
Hey Guys,
I have had a question about emailing people who you haven't emailed in a while from a new email address.
Here is what I told him.
It can be done but its not straight front.
here is the sequence. (note the faster you are emailing your openers the more you can send to new people, so if you are only emailing Once a week to people the process takes forever. If you are emailing regularly then you can ramp fast! )
Clean Your Email List:
Use email confirmation software to verify and clean your list, ensuring all addresses are valid and up-to-date.
Create Initial Offer Emails:
Develop two distinct offer emails:
Offer Email 1: Craft the email with a compelling offer and a clear CTA for recipients to click and confirm their interest.
Offer Email 2: Create a follow-up email with a slightly different angle on the offer or a reminder of the original offer to be send weeks later.
Set Up Email Automation:
Day 1:
Send Offer Email 1 to the first batch of 500 recipients.
Monitor open rates and engagement.
Day 2-14:
Check open rates daily.
Make adjustments to the subject line or content if necessary.
Build the Welcome Sequence:
Set up an automated welcome sequence to trigger for those who open and click through Offer Email 1 or 2
Start this sequence 1 day after the initial email is sent.
Send Another 500 Emails (Second Batch):
Day 3:
Send Offer Email 1 to a second batch of 500 recipients.
Add those who engage to the welcome sequence.
Continue to monitor open rates and engagement daily.
Monitor and Adjust:
Check open rates daily, ensuring they meet your target (6% to 10%).
If open rates fall, temporarily stop sending new batches and focus on engaging with those who have already opened your emails.
Increase Email Volume Gradually:
As your open rates stabilize above 10%, gradually increase the number of emails sent per day beyond 500.
Keep monitoring to ensure you avoid spam filters.
Implement Ongoing Automation:
Ensure your email sequence is automated to manage increasing volumes without manual intervention.
Automate the follow-up sequence to send a reminder email or another offer to those who haven’t opened after two weeks.
Weekly Review:
Review your email performance metrics weekly.
Adjust strategies based on engagement data to improve overall campaign effectiveness.
Make sure to monitor daily open rates and engagement closely.
Resend offers to non-openers two weeks after the initial send to maximize your outreach potential.
Note you will get it to 40 to 50% opens but Apple is showing a full open rate these days which is your enemy and your friend!
Jerry O Brien
The Balancing Act: Navigating Email Deliverability Without Triggering Spam Filters
Jerry - Sales Accelerator
Jerry's Sales Accelerator 4 Scaling Tech B2B Businesses
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