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100 Offers Leads and Sales QnA is happening in 22 hours
Your Business’s Recipe for Success is Missing This Key Ingredient
Hey Guys, “Think about your mom’s pasta recipe for a second…” I was having a conversation with a Italian friend and community member, Domenico today, and we hit on something that really made me think. He was asking me about the unique mechanism from the article that I shared yesterday. What is a Unique Mechanism? Is it the product, name or offer? What is it? I said, “Think about your mom’s pasta recipe!” (relatable for Italians, which he is) "You know what I’m talking about. Your mom or grandmother had this perfect recipe, and it worked every time. But when you’re sitting down to eat, are you thinking about the recipe itself? Of course not—you’re enjoying the result: the pasta." The same goes for your business. Your clients don’t care about how you do it—they care that you have a proven method to deliver the result they want, every single time. That’s why you need a unique mechanism—a repeatable, reliable system that guarantees success. Now, here’s the kicker. Some businesses tell people they’re using a well-known method, like Gordon Ramsay’s recipe. But what happens next? People just Google it or buy the book and try it themselves. That’s where they lose. But imagine if you had something like Domenico’s mom’s secret pasta sauce recipe—made with the best tomatoes, simmered at the perfect temperature, and spiced with herbs passed down through generations. That’s something you can’t Google. That’s a unique mechanism. It’s not just about the system; it’s about creating something only YOU can deliver. Ready to make your business less about guesswork and more about growth? Let’s chat about how the OB Method can help you create predictable, scalable success. Message me and lets talk. Jerry J O Brien PS: Remember, its important to have a recipe; but you eat the pasta. If your business doesn’t have a unique mechanism driving it, no amount of branding will save you. Let’s get your system in place today.
New comment 4d ago
Your Business’s Recipe for Success is Missing This Key Ingredient
Your Story is the Key: Unlock Your Business’s Full Potential for Free
Hey Guys, You’ve always known there was something special about your journey—something more than just the numbers on a spreadsheet or the deals closed. People around you have hinted at it, telling you, "You’ve got a story worth sharing." But deep down, you’ve dismissed it, thinking, "Who would really care? I’m just doing my job." Then, one day, you’re sitting in a meeting, or maybe scrolling through social media, and you see someone else—someone no different from you—capturing an audience, building a brand, all because they had the courage to share their story. That’s when it hits you like a ton of bricks: That could be me. You feel a surge of emotions—excitement, fear, maybe even a bit of jealousy. Because you know your story is just as powerful, if not more so. But you’ve kept it under wraps, either because you didn’t know how to tell it, or you weren’t sure if it would resonate. The drama peaks when you realize that the only thing standing between you and a deeper connection with your audience, a more impactful brand, is your willingness to step into the spotlight and share that story. It’s the moment when you understand that your story isn’t just worth telling—it’s necessary for the next phase of your business. In this moment, everything changes. You’re no longer just a business owner; you’re a storyteller with a purpose, and that story is the key to unlocking a whole new level of success. So, what’s next? How do you take that story, the one you’ve been sitting on, and turn it into the driving force behind your brand? That’s where I come in. I’m offering a prize to 1 business owner of a free consultation where we’ll dive deep into your journey and craft a compelling, authentic origin story that resonates with your ideal clients. In the past I have charged $1000s for this very same service. No strings attached—just a genuine opportunity to unlock the full potential of your narrative. You will need to answer some questions on you and your business and engage with me as we build it out.
Your Story is the Key: Unlock Your Business’s Full Potential for Free
What we can learn from Alex Hormozi - Doubled A Business in 60 Days to Show It's Not Luck (Part 1)
Hey Guys, I am going to look at this one a little differently and break down what we can learn from this Video for our own businesses. Let me know if you like the new format and if you want more like this. Also, I have an easter egg calculator for those who read to the end. Businesses can draw several valuable lessons from this video, particularly in how to identify and address growth challenges: 1. Data-Driven Decision Making: The importance of tracking key performance metrics like show rate, offer rate, and close rate cannot be overstated. By understanding these numbers, small businesses can pinpoint exactly where they are losing potential sales and focus their efforts on areas with the highest impact. see the calculator below. 2. Prioritizing High-Impact Changes: Rather than trying to fix everything at once, the business in the video focused on the most critical issues first. Small businesses can learn to prioritize their efforts on changes that will yield the highest returns, rather than spreading resources too thin. 3. The Power of Specialization: Introducing specialized roles, such as a lead nurture specialist, helped streamline processes and improve efficiency. Small businesses can benefit from defining roles clearly and ensuring team members are focused on their strengths rather than juggling too many tasks. 4. Importance of Proper Hiring: Hiring the right people for the right roles, particularly in leadership positions, was a key factor in the success story. Small businesses should invest in finding the right talent who can not only do the job but also lead teams effectively. 5. Effective Sales Processes: The video highlighted the importance of deep discovery in sales conversations and the correct use of tone. Small businesses can enhance their sales effectiveness by training their teams to ask the right questions, listen carefully, and communicate clearly. 6. Targeted Marketing: Correcting ad targeting played a significant role in improving lead quality. Small businesses should ensure their marketing efforts are laser-focused on their ideal customer profile to avoid wasted spend and low-quality leads. 7. Continuous Improvement: The success achieved was due to continuous tweaking and improvement of processes, from sales scripts to team structure. Small businesses can adopt a mindset of ongoing refinement, always looking for small changes that can have big impacts. 8. Adaptability and Flexibility: The ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions and make decisive moves, such as downsizing the team or resetting expectations, was crucial. Small businesses should be agile, ready to make tough decisions when necessary to stay on the path to growth.
What we can learn from Alex Hormozi - Doubled A Business in 60 Days to Show It's Not Luck (Part 1)
The Balancing Act: Navigating Email Deliverability Without Triggering Spam Filters
Hey Guys, I have had a question about emailing people who you haven't emailed in a while from a new email address. Here is what I told him. It can be done but its not straight front. here is the sequence. (note the faster you are emailing your openers the more you can send to new people, so if you are only emailing Once a week to people the process takes forever. If you are emailing regularly then you can ramp fast! ) Clean Your Email List: Use email confirmation software to verify and clean your list, ensuring all addresses are valid and up-to-date. Create Initial Offer Emails: Develop two distinct offer emails: Offer Email 1: Craft the email with a compelling offer and a clear CTA for recipients to click and confirm their interest. Offer Email 2: Create a follow-up email with a slightly different angle on the offer or a reminder of the original offer to be send weeks later. Set Up Email Automation: Day 1: Send Offer Email 1 to the first batch of 500 recipients. Monitor open rates and engagement. Day 2-14: Check open rates daily. Make adjustments to the subject line or content if necessary. Build the Welcome Sequence: Set up an automated welcome sequence to trigger for those who open and click through Offer Email 1 or 2 Start this sequence 1 day after the initial email is sent. Send Another 500 Emails (Second Batch): Day 3: Send Offer Email 1 to a second batch of 500 recipients. Add those who engage to the welcome sequence. Continue to monitor open rates and engagement daily. Monitor and Adjust: Check open rates daily, ensuring they meet your target (6% to 10%). If open rates fall, temporarily stop sending new batches and focus on engaging with those who have already opened your emails. Increase Email Volume Gradually: As your open rates stabilize above 10%, gradually increase the number of emails sent per day beyond 500. Keep monitoring to ensure you avoid spam filters. Implement Ongoing Automation: Ensure your email sequence is automated to manage increasing volumes without manual intervention.
The Balancing Act: Navigating Email Deliverability Without Triggering Spam Filters
M100 Offers, Leads and Sales - Friday
Hey Guys, I have had some aha moments last week about our Grand Slam Offers and I want to share them with you on our calls this week. On the calls, I want to review all your Grand Slam Offers because I believe we are missing a big part of the puzzle. Also you will see, I am renaming the calls to "Irish Tea Time" and basically they will all be Q&A about Business Growth, offers, Leads and sales. Please join a call this week so that we can discuss this, this is going to be huge for us all.
New comment Aug 9
M100 Offers, Leads and Sales - Friday
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