Day 6 Homework
The number one thing I took away from the calorie deficit video is I have to eat more. I tend to go full send and restrict myself too much and not eat enough to fuel my body. The second thing I took away is that if I want this to become habit and a lifestyle change, I cannot starve myself. It will set me up for failure because it’s not meant for the long haul. And the third thing I took away is the body needs food in order to work at its highest capacity. And if I fuel it with nutrient dense food, I will not only get results, but I won’t be hungry.
So today I will be sitting down to work out my meal plan for the week and meal prep. I will also be tracking my food everyday. We run a very busy schedule and if I want to be successful in this journey, planning is key.
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Lindsey Simpson
Day 6 Homework
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