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18 contributions to EvolveTogether
Spread too thin..
Hey everyone - Hope you are all doing well! I am hopping on here to 1. apologize.. I have not been able to make this something for everyone to enjoy and look forward to being on every day. I didn't have a clear vision for this group and had high hopes it would come by now, but it just hasn't.. I found myself trying to build too many things at once and this got pushed down on the list of priorities and then I catch myself feeling guilty I haven't been putting the time or effort in that the group needs and deserves. Because of that, I will be deleting this group until I can gain some ground on other priorities, I'm sorry! It will be shut off tonight in a few hours. and 2. to tell everyone thank you for wanting to be a part of something I created and keep a lookout for things in the future and if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out!
New comment Jun 9
0 likes • Jun 9
Well you tried until next time!!
Happy middle of the week day! Today I want to share a quote you may or may not have seen before, but a friendly reminder that you should make everyday a growth day. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." – Abraham Lincoln I was on a sad path of circles for many years of working M-F and then going out on the weekends with some workouts sprinkled throughout the days. This was the constant. Nothing changed. The only thing my head would tell me, was 'get through today, the weekend is coming' and by the definition of society, the 'weekends' are the life in our years. Over the last few years, I have changed my perception on what a majority of the world deems as 'life' and gave it my own definition. I was living too much by what other people saw as 'fun' and 'happy' and 'living' and the more we do that, the more we lose ourselves. So, today - I want you to think about what that definition is to you, what does the last half of that quote mean to you? Because at the end of the day, YOU and your thoughts are the #1 thing that can truly add real value to the meaning in life. WHAT DOES LIFE IN YOUR YEARS MEAN TO YOU?
New comment May 23
0 likes • May 22
Live life to the fullest, don’t take anny moment for granted, and be present everyday. Be happy where you are and live purposefully. That’s what it means to me.
Wisdom Wednesday
Goooood morning everyone! Happy Wednesday - make sure you get up and crush the day! For today's wisdom, I randomly stumbled upon this quote and it hit so hard!-- "What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens." - Ellen Glasgow I am currently working/building something that I feel is going to be so huge for so many people based on what I have learned and gained over the last 3 years. Going from who I was to who I am now which is a completely new mindset and thought process system and this quote hit it to the core. So, I have a question based on this quote - What is your immediate reaction style? Are you an emotional reacter or are you able to disconnect from the emotions to react logically and thoughtfully? It's a good question to stew on! Let us know in the comments! Have the best Wednesday ever - and per usual, do something that will get you one tiny step closer to your goals today!
New comment Apr 25
0 likes • Apr 25
Strangely enough it depends on the situation. I’m either awfully calm and immediately go into problem solving mode or I overreact. ADHD doesn’t help since that means I don’t have that microsecond between stimulus and reaction. Which is a big deal. Another way to think of how you react is are you flight or fight first. I’m fight. I run to the fire 🔥😂
10 week Challenge
So going heavy on calisthenics for the next 10 weeks. Health issues threw me off for all last year until March So between lack of energy and steroids I gained weight. So joined a 10 weeks challenge for fun and made it a challenge to use only body weight exercises to drop weight. The challenge is around change in weight and size of a target body area. (This is tailored for weight loss but might be fun for bulking) My goal going from 211 to 195-198 (target weight) Pushing for doing 100 of the following daily (mixing 3-4 exercises): - pushups - pull-ups - dips - squats/lunges - Burpees - Abs Would love any tips, motivators, good vibes, or anything that could help!
New comment Apr 25
0 likes • Apr 22
@Bryleigh Hansen to start yes then the end goal is to get to 100 of each exercise. right?!
1 like • Apr 25
@Bryleigh Hansen hell yeah! I’ll add those to the rotation.
Max Monday
Happy Monday everyone! We have a few new faces in this group, so I want to welcome them! First and foremost this is an accountability group before anything. Having accountability is so beneficial in reaching your goals. On the hard days, knowing there is a group of people also working towards their goals WITH you, will help keep the motivation in pushing through to make that little step. No step is too small in reaching goals. The small steps are the wins every single day! Every win, we evolve and grow. It's just being able to recognize those small wins as some people tend to brush those off, but they are the most important at the end of the day! And that's all I want people to know and realize! So, please always share your small wins with the group and let's build this so we can all make and reach goals together! Whatever you have going on for goals, please share them so we can all chime in and help in whatever way to make them happen! I now have a questionnaire to enter this group and they were all fitness related goals, so that being said... for the newbies and everyone in here, what would you like to see in the fitness realm of this group? Also - I am slowly adding some stuff into the classroom section in this group, so be sure to go in there and check it out! (much much more coming!) When I started this group - I created daily themes that I would like to bring back for everyone and Monday's are called Max Mondays.. Max Mondays are all about starting off the week strong so you can carry that through the rest of the week (and also a max effort of some fitnessy movement, so win win all around to start the week!) Soooo, on this Max Monday the question is - what can you do today to get one step closer to your goal? And for the movement, let's bust out a max plank again! What does everyone have for a Max plank hold today!?
New comment Apr 22
1 like • Apr 22
Start my 10 week challenge strong and focus on priorities so I don’t get behind this week. Stay tuned for the max plank
1-10 of 18
Andres Nunez
39points to level up
Business dad, ecosystem builder, angel investing, VC. Here to share and become my best self

Active 3d ago
Joined Jan 24, 2024
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