What's the best way to utilize the your calendar when people in your community want to schedule a time to talk? Ie. is there something like calendy that helps organize this?
I would love to know how to invite other members to my community! My community is called Real Estate & Coffee where we have weekly Q&A's with real estate professionals to answer questions.
@Anna Angelova This is great feedback! I am working on some content now! Would love for you to join if you're interested in learning about how to not lose money investing in real estate.
Share a quick one-liner about your community and what it’s about Let’s see what everyone’s building Who knows - you might even get a few members from people who are interested in what you’re teaching!
@Luke Gilbert Mainly because I love coffee and it gets the juices flowing! I wanted to keep it casual and welcoming to new people looking to learn how to invest in real estate without losing money. We would love to have you participate! Its currently free and we host Q&A's open to the public.
That was the most engaging feature on the platform imo! i can only DM to 10 or so people a week but i could have multiple convos in a few minutes with the audio rooms why remove such a good feature? make it make sense!!