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The Wing Chun Family

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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

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333 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
I have a humble collection of crystals which I display on my "altar" 💖 I find that their energies help me heal and grow - physically, mentally and spiritually. I also try to incorporate simple rituals to cleanse and recharge them once in a while (like washing them over salt water from the ocean, or bathing them under the moonlight glow) ✨ What about you guys? Feel free to share why you've developed an interest to what you collect 😉
New comment 12m ago
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
0 likes • 11h
@Nina Cruz here is a small taste
0 likes • 12m
@Dustin Berry wow, that would have been a Letting Go exercise (and a half) for you. I commend you on your ability! My 4 year old daughter spilled a mug of Coffee this morning during a morning meditation session with Sifu. My daughter waa helping my wife add milk into her coffee and after pouring the milk, she accidentally hit (the coffee) with her hand whilst trying to get off the table to put the milk back into the fridge. That brought me out of alignment about 5%, but I got there (fully let go) in the end and spoke softly to my daughter about becoming situationally aware. I caught myself by knowing that she was only trying to help out and despite the amount of work to clean the coffee from the table, seats and floor, I knew also that she was trying to show us love and helping out with making the coffee came from a good place in her heart. Awesome lesson to let go and surrender but mine definitely does not match with your lesson about the broken tourmaline! I kept my crystals away from my daughter and told her that I will allow her to handle them when she gets older. Thank you for sharing your lesson, I also realise that my lesson is microscopic compared to yours. Peace Brother.
Positive afirmations for today...
Old energy is clearing... New energy is entering... Great things are coming...
New comment 9h ago
2 likes • 9h
@Paulo Neiva A M E N
👋 Hi, I’m Oscar! I live in Australia and I plan on developing my martial arts skills I want to get these 3 things from the community: 1.  Improved mindset 2. Organised Wing Chun skills 3. Sense of achievement For fun I like to do these 3 things: 1.  Play piano 2.  Play drums 3.  Work out
New comment 10h ago
1 like • 10h
@Oscar Atkinson Welcome to the community brother! In here (with diligence) you will improve your mindset to the infinity! You will gain a set of practical skills in the art of Wing Chun to deal with even the strongest and toughest opponents with a relaxed and centred body structure and you will learn how to hit with the full power of your body mass! As for sense of achievement, that goes without saying! Start your journey by diving into the classroom via the ‘classroom’ tab and get involved with the posts and comments as much as possible (remain active), you will gain more knowledge and wisdom for your training and accelerate your learning! Ask plenty of questions!
Journey East Recommendations
I am from the UK and my family and I are looking to get a place in Japan next year and we would like to explore some of China on our way through. Does anyone have any recommendations of where to visit for kung fu temples, wing chun training centres and historic landmarks. Thank you!🙏🙏
New comment 10h ago
Journey East Recommendations
1 like • 10h
@Jason Robinson Hong Kong, Macau, Fatsan
Thought for September 19, 2024
Click Below
New comment 10h ago
Thought for September 19, 2024
2 likes • 10h
@Marlon Twyman if it’s your time, no matter what you do or how you try to prevent it, you will still meet the inevitable.
1-10 of 333
Carlson Yan
5,743points to level up
Family and Wing Chun

Active 11m ago
Joined Mar 2, 2024
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