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5th Dimensional Reiki

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7 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
✨✨ InterStellar Ancestral Awakening ✨✨ NEW 3 Part Series
There’s great stuff in the Stars…but from what I’ve heard there’s even more fascinating secrets held in ‘the space between’ the Stars -- Let’s go InterStellar...! As a fellow seeker of truth and spiritual expansion, I’m excited to share with you an extraordinary chance to delve deeper into your cosmic heritage and unlock the profound gifts that lie within you. One night as I was sitting on my deck looking up at the canopy of stars, I heard a voice of a Pleiadian ancestor and she started sharing with me celestial books of knowledge. She gave me an Akash key, and showed me how to use it to unlock the ‘stuff’ that lies in ‘the in between’ the Stars. She claims that the interstellar space holds more information about how to interact with the spiritual superpowers behind our intuitive capacity and abilities that far out rank what we’ve been using up ‘till now. Imagine connecting with the wisdom and energy of your galactic ancestors, gaining access to the secrets of the universe that they utilized for healing and creating deep, meaningful connections. This is precisely what the InterStellar Ancestral Awakening program offers—a chance to tap into the collective knowledge and experiences of your soul’s lineage, both human and cosmic. By embarking on this journey, you will:
New comment Aug 13
✨✨ InterStellar Ancestral Awakening ✨✨ NEW 3 Part Series
5 likes • Aug 4
@Christel Hughes I just purchased the program and would love a reading. Thank you for all that you do.
🌟✨ 7/7 Portal Sirius Interdimensional Chakra Activation ✨🌟
Today, a powerful multi-dimensional chakra clearing & activation, using Sirius light frequencies + Metatron's Cube. Please 'like' and say in the comments, "READY for 7/7 Portal Activation...LIGHT me UP!! " ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨ I'll then activate the Multi-dimensional chakra clearing and activation, using Sirius light frequencies + Metatron's Cube sacred geometry. Tap into the profound energies of the 7/7 Portal to unlock your cosmic potential and receive downloads of higher wisdom from the Sirius star system, enhancing your spiritual insight and clarity. Get ready to elevate your energy and step into your highest vibrational state! 🚀🌌💫 #SiriusGateway #ChakraActivation #CosmicWisdom #EnergeticFlow #SpiritualAwakening
New comment Aug 2
🌟✨ 7/7 Portal Sirius Interdimensional Chakra Activation ✨🌟
6 likes • Jul 8
READY for 7/7 Portal Activation…LIGHT me UP!!
EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop + Intuitive Reading
Are you feeling overloaded, lethargic or energetically depleted? Invasive undetectable energies that have corded you may be to blame. But you don't have to remain victim to those cords that drain your energy causing cellular toxicity, DNA-instability, Light Body irregularities and more! I've designed the Extracting Toxic Cords Workshop to help free you from those bioplasmic cords and destructive energies that partner with them: Through this workshop you'll not only identify the intrusive bioplasmic cords, discover WHY they were placed there in the first place, but you'll carefully Extract them vs. Cutting! Click this Link: and listen to the interview where I share all about it. Sign up and get your personal intuitive reading about your #1 toxic cord -- so you can clear it immediately, in the workshop. This is essential knowledge being made available to you now so you can experience Freedom, Vitality and Illumination as your True Sacred Self. During this Live workshop, we'll gather as a group with Archangel Metatron and Metatron’s cube to move deeply into your body and aura...especially in your Bioplasmic field. You’ll extract hundreds of cords that hinder your energy field from functioning and flowing properly. Plus the #1 main toxic cord -- because your Higher Self will tell me exactly which one is causing the most trouble for you. Our EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop is coming up on Sunday, January 14th at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET
New comment Jul 9
EXTRACTING TOXIC ENERGY CORDS Workshop + Intuitive Reading
5 likes • Jul 5
@Sophie Bidard @Christel Hughes The energies on Sophie’s Educational Call and the Intuitive Reading Call are really intense. I either fall asleep; or I’m so distracted by the pain and pressure in my 3rd eye, my high heart and above my ears that I miss what was said. Other healers say to keep listening to. call(s) until I can stay awake and hear the call(s) comfortably. Muscle testing is not giving me a clear answer. Should I continue to repeat the Educational Call and the Intuitive Reading Call or move on to the Extracting Toxic Cords Workshop? Thank you.
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
Ready to get a surge of Cosmic Light support you feeling invigorated and balanced...? Let's use our Vortex of Vitality to gain you a renewed physical vitality & a heightened state of energetic harmony!! 1st, click 'Like' to give me permission & 2nd state in the comments, "Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!" 💥💥 Next, Close your eyes and take in 4 Deep breaths for me to Anchor you in a specific way - I'll Light up a Vortex of Vitality on the Golden Grid of Grace for you and use Metatron's Cube to Re-Align, Re-Order + Re-Juvenate your body's energy centers and main 7D access points.
New comment Aug 6
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
3 likes • Jul 3
“Metatron’s Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!” Thank you
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your ~Clairs with Increased Communication! Activate your Triangle Centers - the 4 main multi-dimensional parts of your human being that enable you to Master your intuition + keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information! To do this we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles. You'll use Metatron's cube to create a sustainable sub-structure for Dimensional expression of your Soul. We'll access the 3D - 5D - 6D - 7D levels which relate to your Triangle Centers of Intelligence. Check it out: We'll be Stabilizing the vibration of these 4 Triangle Centers by creating a 'vibrational nesting place' with the corresponding organs and chakras to support your Being Master Intuitive Human with Multi-Dimensional access: Triangle - Chakra - Body/Organ - Dimension ~SENTIENCE TRIANGLE (Clairsentience) - Solar Plexus chakra - Stomach, Gallbladder, Spleen, Liver - 3rd Dimension ~MATTER TRIANGLE (Clairaudience) - Throat chakra + Ear chakras - Thyroid, Mouth, Esophagus + Ears - 5th Dimension ~SPIRIT TRIANGLE (Clairvoyance) - Pineal + Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus - 6th Dimension ~THOUGHT TRIANGLE (Claircognizance) - Cerebrum, Spinal Cord, Brain Stem - 7th Dimension The human mind won't easily "surrender" to Spirit, so we must upgrade = Higher multi dimensional Mind to Spirit resonance. We will prepare your energy body (corresponding chakra), physical body (corresponding organ) with the Triangle Center of Intelligence so that you are available and stable. Then the substructure is sound enough to "hold" you in a way that allows for you to 'play Celestial music together' with the Cosmic Light - you as a divine instrument and the Light playing through you...singing your Soul Song. Discover more:
New comment 8d ago
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
5 likes • Jun 20
@Christel Hughes I’m already in the program. May I have a reading for my Clairsentience? Thank you so much!
1-7 of 7
Charlene Canaan
29points to level up
Usui Reiki Master Violet Flame Reiki Master

Active 7h ago
Joined Apr 16, 2024
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