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5 contributions to The 80/10/10 Community
Question regarding the Level One 80/10/10 Certified Lifestyle Coach Program
I'm working on the Level One Program towards becoming Certified. I'm thinking of my offering to be in the "Weight Loss" niche. So for Level One are there any other specializations I can offer other than "weight loss"? Also, I went through most of the Level One Course and I'd like to know more about what specializations are available with Level Two? I know Family, Geriatrics was mentioned but what else? Diabetes? Helping certain types of cancer? Others? When I am successful making income with Level One I can justify doing Level Two but only then.
New comment 5h ago
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@Doug Graham Thank you for this information. After thinking about it some more since I've struggled with weight most of my life I think helping people with weight loss will work great as i understand the difficulties associated. As for other conditions I could see how business could morph into also helping with diabetes, heart disease, and more but at the beginning I think I'll just be offering weight loss help program just to start simple.
I'm down to 189lbs lowest since High School!
I'm happy to report that in a little over 4 months being RV 80/10/10 I got down to 189lbs. I'm still 11 point something percent body fat, so goal is to get to what Dr. Graham says in his book is athletic which is 3%-9% body fat. I'm not sure how low I have to go in weight and while I am doing weightlifting I'm doing little just as schedule permits with low weight but targeting all areas of body. I'm 41 and am going to be in the best shape I've ever been, not saying I'll be doing 19 minute 5k runs like high school but at this point I certainly won't rule it out.
New comment 8d ago
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@Dillon Olias I'm 6'4" tall
1 like • 8d
@Dillon Olias thanks for this information
Regarding Alternative to Caffeine Coffee
Since starting 80/10/10 I weaned off of coffee and was a one pot a day drinker so a full 12 cups. Anyhow psychologically I wanted something hot to drink so I started drinking Chicory Root it comes bagged at Amazon and it looks like coffee grounds and somewhat tastes like coffee with no caffeine. I've been caffeine free for well over 6 months so giving up chicory root would not be a problem at all. Anyhow, I'm wondering if any of you know of any reasons why I should not be using chicory root? Is it unhealthy in some ways? Please provide information if you know of any? Thanks I love and appreciate all of you my community
New comment 14d ago
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@Richard Gambino are you a 80/10/10 Certified Health Coach? If so, how is your business going?
1 like • 18d
@Richard Gambino thank you I'll try harder to get ahold of some local farmers
excitotoxins and neurotoxins
I understand that additives like MSG are excitotoxins and neurotoxins. They overstimulate the brain and are probably not healthy, though I don't have a good feel for how unhealthy they are. Is it fair to say that a lot of restaurants use these additives in their food? Can you give other examples of additives restaurants or food companies might use that are excito- or neurotoxins? is salt an example? I just want to get an idea and give an idea to clients how unhealthy restaurant food is, and I don't want to exaggerate if it's not that bad. it's just that, when people are making a gradual transition towards more fruit, I don't think they will see many health improvements, and I want to be able to explain why, without being unkind.
New comment 12d ago
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@Nina Haemmerle the pans loosening toxic materials is a noteworthy subject. Before going raw vegan 80/10/10 when I was eating WFPB with cooked food I switched all of my non stick cookware and even utensils out for stainless steel. I watched the Movie "Dark Waters" it is a true story with Mark Ruffalo about PFAs and the Company Dupont. It is fascinating some of the damages to human health that are caused by cookware.
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read)
Welcome to The 80/10/10 Community. You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for aspiring coaches who want to develop their career as a certified 80/10/10 coach. Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself BELOW using this Copy/Paste Template: What's your nickname? Where you from? Biggest strength? Biggest weakness? Which content platform is your favorite? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? Step 2: Learn how to unlock everything by reading this. ------- Best practices in this community: • Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply. • Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you. • Be cool. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
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New comment 1h ago
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What's your nickname? I don't have a nickname maybe health nut to family members and coworkers but that many could say about all of us but I take it as a compliment Where you from? Fremont, Michigan USA Biggest strength? Perseverance and discipline. I've been trying and constantly failing with business startups but I keep trying. Now I'm training to be a 80/10/10 Coach and for once feel that I'm 100% in alignment with and know God's Purpose for my life. Biggest weakness? Lack of experience with using social media Which content platform is your favorite? YouTube What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? I want help with how to properly food combine. I have Dr Graham Reference Guide but it would be nice to get explanations and what could happen digestive wise if certain foods are improperly combined. Being 4 months in so fairly new to raw vegan (5 years as WFPB) I have trouble with food ripening and how to tell if certain foods are ripe or not so help here too would be appreciated. P.S. I'm also an avid runner too. Been doing for fitness but hopefully with eventual change to 80/10/10 full time I want to dedicate much more time to running. What a joy and prize that would be! Thanks and much love, Derek Crans
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Derek Crans
4points to level up
I'm Derek and I lost over 80 pounds with healthy lifestyle habits. From that experience I became passionate in helping others to get healthier too.

Active 2h ago
Joined Aug 27, 2024
Fremont, Michigan
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