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80 10 10 Coaching Cert
Hi all, Wondering if anyone here has taken Dr Graham’s 80 10 10 certification program. If so, how is it different from the 80 10 10 book? I’ve read the book multiple times, and listened to the audible version equally as much. So wondering what benefit there is to the coaching program. Also how many coaching levels are there? And what are the costs for each level? The only information on the website is for the level one. Thanks in advance
New comment 34m ago
humans vs monkeys
Hi, I would love to get Doug's or anyone else's in put on this. I found an article about human vs monkey anatomy and diet comparisons, and I read it very carefully. It is here: First I want to say I very much prefer 801010rv to a cooked diet. But a couple of things in this article made me question it: 1) our digestive tracts aren't the same as monkeys. Human small intestines are twice as big as most monkeys and our large intenstines are half as long. The author said the monkey's large intestines absorb nutrients from the greens that they eat. My understanding is that the small intestines absorb digested food. There are some scientists who say we've been eating cooked food for 800,000 years which is long enough for us to evolve a digestive system suited for that--longer small intestines for absorption of cooked food? and shorter long intestines since we can cook our vegetables and don't need to digest them raw? and 2) the fruit monkeys eat is very different from cultivated fruits we eat today. Our fruits have much less fiber and more fructose and less glucose. However, if you take into account that sucrose is half glucose and half fructose, the amount of fructose vs glucose (when including sucrose contributions) is not terribly different. For monkey fruits, glucose is 60-50% and for our fruits, glucose is 50-40%, typically. but monkey fruits do have quite a bit more fiber it seems and aren't as sweet in general. So that suggests our fruit is not the same as our ancestors ate. However, neither are our cooked veggies and starches. I just began to wonder if our cultivated fruits are too low in fiber and too high in sugar to be optimal. and...if we should be eating some cooked veggies, which allows a larger variety and gives you more nutrients even though some are destroyed in cooking--but the articles I've seen say that you get 50% of your vitamins and all your minerals from cooked food (when you eat the broth as well).
New comment 45m ago
Question regarding the Level One 80/10/10 Certified Lifestyle Coach Program
I'm working on the Level One Program towards becoming Certified. I'm thinking of my offering to be in the "Weight Loss" niche. So for Level One are there any other specializations I can offer other than "weight loss"? Also, I went through most of the Level One Course and I'd like to know more about what specializations are available with Level Two? I know Family, Geriatrics was mentioned but what else? Diabetes? Helping certain types of cancer? Others? When I am successful making income with Level One I can justify doing Level Two but only then.
New comment 5h ago
Weight Loss on 80/10/10
When someone goes to 80/10/10RV mainly to lose weight, what would you say is a realistic drop in weight per week? Of course it also depends where they start, but let's say for someone moderately obese? Doesn't need to be super precise, but to have an idea. Thank you.
New comment 2d ago
Dr Doug, what is your take and reasons on acupuncture? I remember you saying we don't have a deficiency of needles. Also that we can't stimulate the body to health. A friend of mine said she was going to get acupuncture. I held my tongue. It seems that I hold my tongue a lot around all the people I meet because I don't think they are receptive to my knowledge. Another example: I told my hiking friend that it's best to eat simple carbs ( fruit) before hiking long and to take fruit on the hike. The next day she was so proud and excited that for breakfast she ate eggs, avocado and cottage cheese! She said she wanted some energy and sustenance for the longer hike> I almost got sick hearing that but I didn't say anything because I felt like it would be trouble. She also has a sugar phobia. I haven't found many people that give a shit to listen much and think what I know is good regarding a raw vegan diet with fruit as its main source of sustenance. I'd like to have friends who are firmly grounded in 80/10/10, you know, like minded. What do I get frustrated, annoyed, disappointed? I feel like saying "No, thats wrong, bad for you and disgusting!" They have all these issues like osteoporosis, hearing loss, skin cancer, digestive issues, energy issues, etc, and feel like saying its because of how you're eating, but I don't. Id like to have way more people eating and thinking like me. Ugh!
New comment 3d ago
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