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Owned by Ellie

International Authors Academy

Private β€’ 12 β€’ $197/m

Get access to the processes, tools, tricks, and industry secrets you need to write, publish + market your book and become an authority in your space.


The Podcast Network Premium πŸŽ™

Public β€’ 1.3k β€’ Free

Skool Community

Public β€’ 140.2k β€’ Paid

The Skool Games

Private β€’ 18.8k β€’ Free

SaaS Accelerator

Public β€’ 8 β€’ Free

Traffic & Conversions

Private β€’ 25 β€’ $1/m

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private β€’ 12.7k β€’ Free

Sell High Ticket Live

Public β€’ 28 β€’ Free

Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public β€’ 6.6k β€’ Free

216 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Speedrunners Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen…. IT’S TIMEEEEEE! The 100 Skool Speedrunners challenge kicks off tomorrow. Out of thousands of applicants, 100 Speedrunners have been emailed an exclusive invite to join the challenge. During this challenge I'll be helping these people rapidly grow their Skool business with what we've seen to be the best model. For those who didn’t get an email, the good news is you're not out of the game. Over the next 90 days, I'll be sharing everything we learn. This isn’t just about the chosen 100β€”this is about lifting everyone up. All data and results will be made public. So even if you're not in the initial 100, you're part of this. You are invited to challenge yourself and Speedrun alongside us.
New comment 25m ago
Skool Speedrunners Announcement
8 likes β€’ 3h
Check out the full recording for all the details! // Part 1: Cybertruck giveaways The #1 winner of the Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec Skool Games will get a Cybertruck or $100k. All 10 winners get: - 1-day with Hormozi - New Skool trophies - To stay in Mansion with other winners In October all previous winners can compete again! // Part 2: The path to $10,000/month 1. Member 2. Top contributor 3. Free group owner 4. Making money (paid group, job, gigs, affiliate) 5. Full-time 6. Skool Games winner 7. $100k MRR // Part 3: Beginners checklist β˜‘ Join some communities you're interested in β˜‘ Show up daily, help people, build relationships β˜‘ Start your own community (make it free) β˜‘ Get your first 3 members β˜‘ Stay up to date with the latest Skool Games training β˜‘ Look out for opportunities: Operator, services, gigs, jobs, etc. // Part 4: New features - Annual payments - Annual unlocks (powerful) A little birdie teased: - Apple Pay and Google Pay - Free trials - Affiliates - New training sharing what's working Check out the full recording for all the details!
New comment 4m ago
1 like β€’ 4h
I loved that call so much! So inspiring.
1 like β€’ 3h
@Goose Dunlavey yessss! Looking forward to connecting. πŸ˜ƒ
πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Welcoming New Members
What if when a new member joined your community, we had the option to show a popup video welcoming them personally and telling them how to get started? Help them get off on the right foot, eliminate the need for a pinned post at the top attempting to do that, and gives a personal touch right off the bat (especially for paid) What would everyone think about something like that?
34 members have voted
New comment 57m ago
πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Welcoming New Members
1 like β€’ 4h
@Matthew Mitten it sounds like you're doing a great job.
0 likes β€’ 4h
@Matthew Mitten YES! Let's!
Congrats on Level 9!!
Woohoo! @Ryan Duncan Congrats on reaching and being the first Level 9 in Skool Community! History is made! Would love to hear about your journey to level 9!
New comment 2h ago
Congrats on Level 9!!
2 likes β€’ 4h
wow!!!!! Congrats @Ryan Duncan!! That's NUTS!
Skool Community Members are the Future LEADERS of the ENTIRE INTERNET!
I'm not sure if everyone in this community REALIZES how fortunate, lucky, and blessed we are to be part of this community. SKOOL is the ONLY platform that's designed for community leaders to flourish as it's main intention. There's also pure organic reach (no ads). In case you haven't realized... This is the ONLY Platform where you can join a community (Skool Community) that's Created by the Platform to form connections and relationships with the LEADERS on the Platform! Everyone in here is forming their own Communities and followings... And Right Now, we're still the early adopters of this platform, because I believe we are going to grow 100X or more in the next 2 years, simply because there isn't an alternative as beneficial on the Internet as this, the word is spreading and will continue to spread... So, you're here right now with the FUTURE LEADERS of the INTERNET. Imagine where we'll all be 5 years from now. I haven't seen anything like this in my last 25 years as an online marketer. Only Facebook in 2007 looked like this...and Skool is even a better opportunity because there's a more sophisticated online leader & consumer in 2024 than there was in 2007. The world NEEDS better leaders. And this is the Community where they are being raised up for the next generation of the Internet. Have you realized this yet? Let us know below how excited and grateful you are to be here...and TAG the person that's made the BIGGEST IMPACT on you so far in this community as a way of saying thanks!
New comment 3h ago
1 like β€’ 8h
@Christine Szinneryes!!! I forget that too!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
0 likes β€’ 4h
@Christine Szinner This doesn't even feel like social media anymore. i feel like a bunch of people are in my living room all the time! πŸ˜‚
1-10 of 216
Ellie Shoja
5,395points to level up
Ellie Shoja is an award-winning writer, celebrity ghostwriter, story consultant, and motivational speaker.

Active 2m ago
Joined Aug 1, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
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